Survey Responses


Plan Type




GHG Reduction Target


GHG Inventory


Regional District of Central Okanagan

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
No Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text


Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory).


The City of Terrace

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


Town of Creston

Corporate: No Targets
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

We align with the BC governments CleanBC plan which includes a range of incentives and policies to reducecarbon pollution by 40 % by 2030, 60 % by 2040, and 80 % by 2050

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


City of Abbotsford

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction from 2007 level by 2040

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 200720% by 2025

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction of per capita GHG emission from 2007 level by 2040

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 200720% reduction of per capita GHG emission by 2025

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

(Per-capita, baseline year 2007) reduce 35% by 2040

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

(Per-capita, baseline year 2007) reduce 50% by 2040

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

(Per-capita, baseline year 2007) reduce 40% by 2040

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text


Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to meet target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to meet target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste

On track to meet target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name

2022 LGCAP Survey Report-Final.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


City of Brantford

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 2018; % reduction: 30% by 2030 and 80% by 2040

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 2018; % reduction target: 30% by 2030 and 80% by 2040

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Water and Wastewater Treatment

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

On track to reach target(s)

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Waste

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Every 2-3 years

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


City of Calgary

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

60% reduction of GHG emissions below 2005 levels by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Water use - 2033 target 350 lires per capita per day

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Emissions increased

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage

GHG emissions increased 3.5% from 2005 to 2023, however Calgarys population increased by approx. 41% over the same time period

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)

Our GHG emissions increased from 15.8 MtCO2e in 2005 to 16.35 MtCO2e in 2023. This however is in relation to a approx. 41% population increase

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


City of Camrose

No Data
No Data
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey data not available

City of Charlottetown

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan
Prince Edward Island

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline 2015, 50-60% reduction by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Emissions remained constant

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

City of Delta

Corporate: Other
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): _______. We previously had a target of reducing emissions by 20% from 2007 levels which was achieved. We are in the process of developing an updated target and corporate plan.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

45% reduction of 2007 levels by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Upon the completion of a new climate action plan

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

City of Estevan

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

City of Fernie

No Data
No Data
Another Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

City of Grande Prairie

Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, 20% reduction from 2009 (e.g., 20% reduction from 2008 level by 2030).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Net zero corporate emission by 2035

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

2021 Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Summary.docx

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


City of Greater Sudbury

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

50% by 203080% by 2040

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

City of Hamilton

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

community-target = baseline year: 2006, 50% by 2030 corporate-target = baseline year: 2005, 50% by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

â¢Retrofit 100% of commercial buildings, inceasing energy efficiency by 50% by 2050 relative to 2016 levels â¢New commercial buildings are 60% lower in energy use intensity than 2016 levels by 2050 â¢Retrofit 100% of existing homes to achieve 50% energy efficiency savings relative to 2016 by 2050 â¢Post-retrofits, switch buildings to heat pumps for space and water heating by 2050 â¢By 2031, new dwellings are 60% more energy efficient relative to 2016. Only 20% of new dwellings are single family detached by 2050 â¢By 2050, all new municipal buildings achieve net-zero emissions â¢By 2050, all municipal buildings are retrofitted to achieve 50% energy efficiency relative to 2016

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

â¢Retrofit 100% of commercial buildings, inceasing energy efficiency by 50% by 2050 relative to 2016 levels â¢New commercial buildings are 60% lower in energy use intensity than 2016 levels by 2050 â¢Retrofit 100% of existing homes to achieve 50% energy efficiency savings relative to 2016 by 2050 â¢Post-retrofits, switch buildings to heat pumps for space and water heating by 2050 â¢By 2031, new dwellings are 60% more energy efficient relative to 2016. Only 20% of new dwellings are single family detached by 2050 â¢By 2050, all new municipal buildings achieve net-zero emissions â¢By 2050, all municipal buildings are retrofitted to achieve 50% energy efficiency relative to 2016

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

â¢100% of new Personal Use Vehicles are electric by 2040 â¢By 2050, 100% of heavy-duty vehicles are green-hydrogen based and light duty commercial vehicles are electric â¢Private vehicle trips decline by 9% relative to 2016 per person by 2020 â¢Vehicular trip length declines by 6% from 2016 levels by 2050 â¢Increase marine energy efficiency by 50% by 2050 relative to 2016 â¢100% of new municipal small and light-duty vehicles are electric by 2040 â¢100% of new municipal heavy-duty vehicles switch to clean hydrogen by 2040 â¢Decarbonize the transit fleet by 2035 â¢By 2050, 10% of short trips are completed by e-mobility or EV car-share â¢Increase transit use to 15% of trips by 2050 in the urban area â¢By 2050, 50% of short-trips in the urban area take place through walking or cycling

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

â¢By 2050, 95% of organic waste is sent to anaerobic digestion for local energy use

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

â¢By 2050, installation of 280 MW of ground mount solar PV, inside or outside the City boundary â¢Expanding of the downtown district energy network powered by industrial residual heat â¢By 2050, installation of rooftop solar PV capacity to power, on average, 50% of building electric load, before the introduction of heat pumps â¢Starting in 2031, all new homes have 30% annual load coverage by solar PV, before the introduction of heat pumps â¢Starting in 2026, all new commercial buildings include rooftop solar PV panels â¢By 2050, 50% of municipal buildings will add rooftop solar PV, covering 30% of the buildings electric load

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

â¢Increase industrial efficiency (other than steel mills) by 50% from 2016 levels by 2050 â¢At the steel mills, reduce GHG emissions by 50% from 2016 levels by 2035 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

â¢Planting 50,000 trees a year through to 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

renewables, planning policies,

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text

Intentionally leaving blank, as we currently do have the ability to measure whether sector specific targets are on track or off track.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

Corporate = 2005, Community = 2006

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage


If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

City of Hamilton_GPCReporting2023.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


City of Kelowna

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 12% below 2007 levels 2022

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 4% by 2023, 25% by 2033, 80% by 2050 (below 2007 levels)

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline: 20074% by 202325% by 203380% by 2050(currently working on a new plan that will have revised targets - Council has directed to use net zero by 2050 in the new plan)

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Land Use planning

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Not on track to meet target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

City of Kingston

Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2040.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline year: 2011, % reduction: 30%; target year 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

City of Leduc

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 3% reduction from business as usual

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Emissions increased

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

City of Lethbridge

Corporate: Other
Community: No Targets
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): 40% reduction from 2018 levels by 2030

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory).

2018, but the baseline year for emission reduction is TBD

City of Markham

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Based on the Municipal Energy Plans 2011 emissions baseline. Please refer to Figure 118 on page 167: - 2020 - 10% reduction - 2030 - 45% reduction - 2040 - 80% reduction - 2050 - 100% reduction

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

Rooftop solar, streetlighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

carbon sequestering from trees

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

2011 baseline

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Emissions increased

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


City of Mississauga

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 1990 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

40% reduction below 1990 levels by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

City of Moose Jaw

No Data
No Data
No Plan

Survey data not available

City of Nanaimo

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

50% to 58% reduction by 2030 (2010 baseline year)

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

50% to 58% reduction by 2030 (2010 baseline year)

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

Support the upgrade of existing buildings so all buildings achieve net zero by 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

By 2050 all transporation trips are zero carbon, through active transportation and zev adoption

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

Support eliminating organic matter sent to the landfill by 2030

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to meet target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to meet target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste


Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?

776,626 (2010)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


City of Nelson

Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2040.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

75% reduction by 2030 from 2007 baseline

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

urban design / density

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

We are still developing sector specific targets

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Our combined GHG inventory is in development.

City of Niagara Falls

Combined: No Targets
Combined: No inventory
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

Not at this time

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

Not at this time

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

Not at this time

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

Not at this time

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

Not at this time

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

Not at this time

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

Not at this time

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We do not have a combined GHG inventory, but have plans to create one.

City of Orillia

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

50% over 2018 levels by 2030, Net zero emissions for City operations by 2040.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

2018, next will be 2024

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


City of Ottawa

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 20122025: 43% reduction2030: 68% reduction2040: 96% reduction

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


City of Owen Sound

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

2026 - community 15%, corporate 20%; 2030 - community 30%, corporate 35%;2035 - community 50%, corporate 50%;2040 - community 60%, corporate 65%;2045- community 75%, corporate 80%

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

completed in 2022; using 2018 as the baseline to align with our upper tier municipality

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


City of Peterborough

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

45% tCO2e reduction by 2030 from 2011 baseline levels

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

45% tCO2e reduction by 2030 from 2011 baseline levels.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

City of Revelstoke

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Another Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year : 2007Reduction: 40%Target Year: 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

Lead by example through corporate policies that prioritize low carbon retrofits

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

1. Improve energy efficiency 2. Encourage and enable fuel switching 3. Build industry capacity and increase demand

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

Build safe routes for walking, cycling and other forms of zero emission mobility / Collaborate with transit providers to transition to a zero emission transit network

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

Food will be produced locally, and waste organics composted to produce local Class A product. All waste streams will be manged locally, including by industry. Waste heat will be captured and used locally, expanding on community energy production. A closedloop waste management system exists

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

ncourage and enable building electrification

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

Engage commercial and industrial stakeholders

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

Optimize policies and bylaws for compact growth

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Emissions increased

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage


If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

City of Rossland

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development (please specify, if possible): _______

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Our combined GHG inventory is in development.

City of Saint John

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan
New Brunswick

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Every 4-5 years

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


City of Saskatoon

Combined: No Targets
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage


If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

2021 GHG Inventories - Saskatoon - NZAP.xlsx

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


City of Selkirk

Corporate: Other
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2030.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Not interim - improves on our net-zero 2030 target. Achieve actual zero by 2045.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


City of Stratford

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

We have completed our corporate GHG inventory.

City of Temiskaming Shores

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 2019% reduction: 40%Target year: 2033

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text


Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Fleet - Text


Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Other, please specify: - Text


Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

We have completed our corporate GHG inventory.

How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

City of Toronto

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2040.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

With the adoption of the Net Zero Strategy, the Cityâs GHG reduction targets, from 1990 levels, are:30 per cent by 202045 per cent by 202565 per cent by 2030net zero by 2040

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

All City Agency, Corporation and Division-owned new developments are designed and constructed to applicable Toronto Green Standard Version 4 standard achieving zero carbon emissions, beginning in 2022 â Greenhouse gas emissions from City-owned buildings are reduced by 60 per cent from 2008 levels; by 2040, City-owned buildings reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

100 per cent of new buildings are designed and built to be near zero greenhouse gas emissions â Greenhouse gas emissions from existing buildings are cut in half, from 2008 levels

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

75 per cent of school/work trips under 5km are walked, biked or by transit â 30 per cent of registered vehicles in Toronto are electric

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

Identify pathways to more sustainable consumption in City of Toronto operations and in Torontos economy â 70 per cent residential waste diversion from the City of Torontoâs Integrated Waste Management System

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

â 50 per cent of community-wide energy comes from renewable or low-carbon sources 9 â 25 per cent of commercial and industrial floor area is connected to low carbon thermal energy sources

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

we have other corporate targets in other sectors.

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Target emissions reductions reached

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage

Torontoâs GHG emissions were 43 per cent lower in 2020 than in 1990

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


City of Victoria

Combined: Other
No Data
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 100% renewable energy by 2050 and reduce green house gas emissions by 80% over 2007 levels

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Reduce community GHG emissions by 50 percent (by 2007 levels) by 2030, and cut the City of Victorias corporate emissions by 60 percent by 2030 and 80 percent by 2040. Additionally, by 2040, all City facilities will be renewably powered and 80 percent of the City fleet will be renewably powered

City of West Kelowna

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): Corporate Climate Action Plan development currently ongoing - target setting in discussions

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development, (please specify if possible):

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development, (please specify if possible): - Text

Corporate Climate Action Plan currently under development

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): draft OCP (soon to be adopted) recommends targets for community GHG emissions should reflect provincial targets including 40% reduction in GHG emissions reductions by 2030 from 2007 levels, 60% reduction in GHG emissions by 2040 from 2007 levels and 80% reduction in emissions by 2050 from 2007 levels. Additional work to finalize targets required as part of Community Climate Action Plan (start date TBD)

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


City of Winnipeg

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Reduction of 20 percent by 2030, relative to 2011

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

8% increase in emissions relative to total city emissions in 2011

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

17% reduction relative to total city emissions in 2011

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

11% reduction relative to total city emissions in 2011

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Emissions increased

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Corporation of the City of Cranbrook

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2012 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

40% reduction by 2030, 2012 baseline

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

40% reduction by 2030, 2007 baseline

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Adaptation, Engagement & Policies

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Municipal leadership

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify:


Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Corporation of the City of London, Ontario

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. Community target is net-zero by 2050, Corporate target is net-zero by 2045

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Community:- target type: total emissions- baseline year: 2005- 2030 target: 55% reduction - 2035 target: 65% reduction - 2040 target: 75% reduction Corporate:- target type: total energy-related emissions- baseline year: 2007- 2030 target: 65% reduction - 2035 target: 75% reduction - 2040 target: 90% reduction

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

climate adaptation & resiliency

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text

for community emissions: residential and waste currently on track to meet 2030; IC&I almost on track; transportation not on track

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

1990, but now use 2005 as baseline

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage

-24% below 2005

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)

-920,000 tonnes/year lower in 2022

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline year: 2016, % reduction: 55%, target year: 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

11 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050)

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

285 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050)

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

232 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050)

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

50 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050)

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

128 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050)

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

268 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050)

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

51 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage

reduced our emissions by 7% from 2016

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)

In 2021, we reduced 85762 tonnes of GHG emissions compared to 2016

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

County of Huron

Corporate: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Other, please specify: - Text

Natural infrastructure, financing, engagement

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Infrastructure and Assets

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

We do not have a corporate GHG inventory, but have plans to create one.

County of Wellington

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


District Municipality of Muskoka

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: In-progress
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline year: 2018, 50% reduction, target year:2030

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline year: 2018, 50% reduction, target year: 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Every 4-5 years

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Every 6+ years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

District of Central Saanich

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

100% less GHG emissions by 2050, relative to 2007 Interim target: 45% less GHG emissions by 2030, relative to 2007

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Our combined GHG inventory is in development.

District of Lake Country

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: No Targets
Corporate: In-progress
Community: No inventory
No Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Our GHG inventory is in development.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

District of New Hazelton

Community: Other
Community: Completed inventory
Community Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Community plan targets

Yes, 20% reduction from _____ (e.g., 20% reduction from 2008 level by 2030).

Community plan targets - Yes, 20% reduction from _____ (e.g., 20% reduction from 2008 level by 2030). - Text

2007 to 2050

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 200715% reductionTarget year: 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Energy and electricity

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory.

We have completed our community GHG inventory.

How often is your community GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

District of Oak Bay

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
No Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): 33% reduction by 2020 over 2007 levels

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, other (please specify): 33% reduction by 2020 over 2007 levels

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

We do not update regularly

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory).


District of Sooke

No Data
No Data
Corporate and Community Plan
British Columbia

Survey data not available

Dufferin County

Community: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Completed inventory
Community Plan

Survey Responses

Community plan targets

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 201610% reduction by 203040% reduction by 2040

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory.

We have completed our community GHG inventory.

How often is your community GHG emissions inventory updated?

Upon the completion of a new climate action plan

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

Foothills County

Corporate: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction from 2019 levels by 2027

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

2019 as baseline year. 40% reduction by 2027.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

We have completed our corporate GHG inventory.

How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total percentage

6.6% reduction in 2022 from 2019 baseline levels

If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total amount (tonnes)

After weather normalization of data, achieved 162.1 tonnes of GHG reduction in 2022, equivalent to 6.6%, from 2019 baseline levels.

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

Council Report - Energy Manager-17th May 2023.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Grey County

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. Corporate net-zero by 2045. Community net-zero by 2050

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year = 2018Community GHG emission reductions targets of 15% by 2026, 30% by 2030, 50% by 2035, 60% by 2040, 75% by 2045 and net-zero by 2050Corporate GHG emission reduction targets of 20% by 2026, 40% by 2030, 55% by 2035, 70% by 2040 and net-zero by 2045

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

Retrofit all existing Grey-owned facilities by 2045. All new municipal offices and facilities net zero ready by 2025.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

All new buildings net-zero ready by 2030, 84% o homes are retrofit by 2050 with and average efficiency gain fo 40%+ per project. 15% of residential homes have solar panels by 2030. 90% of institutional and commercial buidlings are retrofitted by 2050.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

40% of short trips and walked or biked by 2050. 100% zero emission vehicle by 2050.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

30% of solid waste and 50% of organic waste diverted from landfill by 2050.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

1.78MW of solar installation are installed by 2030 to power Grey-owned buildings. Retrofit outdoor lighting to LED bulbs.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

60% of pasture, 90% of cropland, 50% of manure under best management practices by 2050. Plant 5 million trees by 2050.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

13,000,000 m3 of renewable natural gas produced by 2030.

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text

The plan was made in 2022. We havent measured progress yet.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Loyalist Township

Combined: Other
Combined: No inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 25% reduction from 2016 levels by 2030.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development (please specify, if possible): _______

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text

Updated ECDM plan will include milestones.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

Decrease GHG emissions associated with potable water treatment/distribution by 10% and sewage collection/treatment by 20% below 2016 levels by 2030.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

Reduce commercial and institutional emissions to 25% below 2016 levels by 2031. Reduce residential emissions to 10% below 2016 levels by 2031.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

40% waste diversion rate by 2030.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Water and Wastewater

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We do not have a combined GHG inventory.

MRC Pontiac

No Data
No Data
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Municipality of Chatham-Kent

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: In-progress
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Our GHG inventory is in development.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


Municipality of Clarington

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline year: 2018, % reduction: 35%, target year: 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

We have completed our corporate GHG inventory.

How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated?

Upon the completion of a new climate action plan

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Municipality of Digby

Corporate: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Corporate Plan
Nova Scotia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): _______. collaborating with the Dept of Enviornment to develop one

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development (please specify, if possible): _______

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text

No targets set yet

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

Our corporate GHG inventory is in development.

Municipality of Kincardine

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Municipality of Port Hope

Corporate: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2008 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development (please specify, if possible): _______

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

-30% energy consumption in 10 years

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Fleet - Text

-20-25% in 10 years

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Waste - Text

-20% in 10 years

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities)

Target(s) exceeded

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet

Target(s) missed

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Waste

Target(s) reached

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

We have completed our corporate GHG inventory.

How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

50%-74% of target emission reductions achieved

If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total percentage


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

GHG Inventory &BAU Forecast Port Hope-FINAL.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Municipality of South Huron

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: In-progress
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Our GHG inventory is in development.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Municipality of the County of Annapolis

Community: No Targets
Community: No inventory
Community Plan
Nova Scotia

Survey Responses

Community plan targets

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Transportation - Text


Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory.

We do not have a community GHG inventory.

Municipality of the County of Colchester

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
Nova Scotia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

We do not have an overall interim emissions target, but many of our specific targets are based on timelines shorter than 2050, e.g. 80% of existing buildings have deep energy retrofits by 2040.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Municipality of the County of Pictou

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Community: No inventory
No Plan
Nova Scotia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2030

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

100 percent reduction

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2030

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Our GHG inventory is in development.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one.

Municipality of the District of Lunenburg

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
Nova Scotia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Interim target is not combined.Community target:30% reduction below 2019 baseline by 2030Corporate target:64% reduction below 2019 baseline by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Musqueam Indian Band

No Data
No Data
Another Plan
British Columbia

Survey data not available

Niagara Region

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: No Targets
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


Norfolk County

Corporate: Other
Community: No Targets
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): 30% reduction from 2005 levels

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


Oxford County

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 68.7% reduction from 2015 levels by 2050

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

14.1% reduction from 2015 by 2025

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 47% reduction from 2015 by 2050

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

11% reduction from 2015 levels by 2025

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Region of Peel

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Corporate greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 45% by 2030, relative to 2010 levels

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from _____ levels by 2050 or sooner.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

80% below 1990 levels by 2050,

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

water / wastewater / waste

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text


Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

district energy

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use

Not on track to meet target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Region of Waterloo

Community: Other
Community: Completed inventory
Community Plan

Survey Responses

Community plan targets

Yes, at least 80% reduction from _____ levels by 2050 or sooner.

Community plan targets - Yes, at least 80% reduction from _____ levels by 2050 or sooner. - Text


Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

50% reduction by 2030, below 2010 levels

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

By 2050, 85% of buildings use electric heat pumps, or equipment that is at least as energy efficient and low carbon as heat pumps, and 20% by 2030. By 2050, 85% of buildings use energy efficient and low carbon water heaters, and 20% by 2030 By 2025, fuel oil and propane use for building heating is 100% eliminated.

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Transportation - Text

By 2050, personal vehicle trips between homes and workplaces have been reduced 40% due to work from home options, and 10% by 2030. By 2050, discretionary trips have been reduced by 18% (in kmâs) and 4% by 2030. By 2050, vehicle trips over 5km have been reduced by 10%, (in kmâs) and by 2% in 2030. By 2050, vehicle trips under 5km have been reduced 80% by using active transportation, and 10% by 2030. By 2050, 99% of gasoline and diesel vehicles are switched to zero emission vehicles, and 50% by 2030.

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Energy and electricity - Text

By 2050, 38% of electricity used locally is produced locally from carbon neutral, renewable sources, and 4% by 2030.

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Waste - Text

By 2050, we will have maintained the same level of methane emissions from our landfills as we had in 2010.

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

By 2050, we will have maintained the same level of methane emissions from livestock as we did in 2010.

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Energy and electricity

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory.

We have completed our community GHG inventory.

How often is your community GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., We have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and We have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Regional District of Nanaimo

Corporate: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Corporate Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

100% reduction (carbon neutral) by 2032

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Other, please specify: - Text


Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

We have completed our corporate GHG inventory.

How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total percentage


If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total amount (tonnes)


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Regional Municipality of Durham

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

40% by 2030 over 2019 levels

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

30% by 2030, 2019 baseline

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

wastewater management

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

Resort Municipality of Whistler

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 50% reduction from 2007 by 2030

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

By 2030, reduce emissions from residential buildings by 20% and large commercial buildings by 40%.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

By 2030, 50% of all trips in Whistler are by transit and active transportation. 50% of all VKT are from ZEVs.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

By 2030, reduce waste sector emissions by 95%

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Emissions increased

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

2022_Whistler_annual_climate progress report_final.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Rural Municipality of Connaught No. 457

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Rural Municipality of Excelsior No. 166

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Rural Municipality of Mountain

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): _______. See our CCLAP

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

regional/shared transportation

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

solid and wastewater

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text


Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Water, air quality,

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Rural Municipality of Stuartburn

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, 20% reduction from 2015 (e.g., 20% reduction from 2008 level by 2030).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 6$ reduction from 2015

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

We do not update regularly

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name

GHG Report Stuartburn.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


Selwyn Township

No Data
No Data
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Severn Sound Environmental Association

Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 36% reduction from 2015 by 2028

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

Baseline year - 2015, done in 2018

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Squamish-Lillooet Regional District

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Another Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development (please specify, if possible): _______

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text

direction to update ghg targets based on IPCC

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

zero waste

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Emissions increased

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage

1% (increase)

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

Sunshine Coast Regional District

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): _______.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development (please specify, if possible): _______

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): _______. strategic plan under development

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development (please specify, if possible): _______

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

contracted services

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.


No Data
No Data
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
New Brunswick

Survey data not available

Tay Township

Combined: No Targets
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Tay Valley Township

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 55% reduction from 2018 by 2030

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


The City of Brandon

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

The City of Brandon has established a target of net-zero ghg emissions by 2050 with an interim target of 30% reduction by 2030. The City of Brandon has established a target of net-zero ghg for corporate operations by 2045.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

10% reduction

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

47.5% reduction

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

50.8% community, 52% corporate

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

1.8% reduction

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

The City of Cornwall

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

40-45% greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction (below 2005 levels) by 2030 and to become a net-zero city by 2050.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Nature-based Solutions

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text

Nature-based Solutions

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


The City of Fredericton

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan
Newfoundland and Labrador

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 2004, % reduction: 50%, target year: 2030

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 2000, % reduction: 50%, target year: 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


The City of Timmins

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 5% for community, 10% for corporate

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline year: 2017corporate % reduction: 10%community % reduction: 5%target year: 2027

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


The Corporation of the City of Barrie

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

45% below baseline by 2030 for the community. Not yet specified for the corporate target.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


The Corporation of the City of Windsor

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction in emissions from 2014 baseline by 2041

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

City Council has accepted in principle Science Based Targets in 2022.55% reduction in corporate emissions by 2030 from 2005 levels (scope 1 and scope 2)Net-Zer by 2050 (scope 1 and scope2)

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction of 2014 levels by 2041

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

City Council Approved in Principle Science Based Targets in 202268% reduction in community emissions by 2030 from 2005 levels (scope 1 and scope 2)Net-Zero by 2050 (scope 1 and scope 2)

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

No Sector target

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Fleet - Text

No Sector target

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting - Text

No Sector target

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Waste - Text

No Sector target

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

No Sector target

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Waste

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Water and wastewater

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

No Sector target

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

No Sector target

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy and electricity - Text

No Sector target

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

No Sector target

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

No Sector target

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

No Sector target

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)


Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation


Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Energy and electricity


Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste


Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use


Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use


Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?

44,104 tCO2e/yr

What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?

2,551,303 tCO2e/yr

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name

2021 PCP export - Corporate.xlsx

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward

No Data
No Data
Another Plan

Survey data not available

The County of Haliburton

Corporate: Other
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 15% reduction from 2018 by 2030

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

25% reduction from 2019 levels by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


The Township of Georgian Bluffs

Corporate: Other
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2018 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Noting that the plan is in draft at this time, 2018 baseline, 40% reduction by 2030 and 70% reduction by 2040

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Noting this is an Upper Tier plan we are party to: 2018 baseline, 30% by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Water and Wastewater

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Not yet started

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Our GHG inventory is in development.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

Tiny Township

Combined: No Targets
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

2015 Baseline for the 2018 plan

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Town of Ajax

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: In-progress
Community: No inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

40% GHG emission reductions by 2030, below 2019 levels

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

30% GHG emission reductions by 2030, below 2019 levels

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Water, Air

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify:


Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

Town of Altona

Combined: Other
Combined: No inventory
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. the Town of Altona commits to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 20% below 2015 levels for municipal operations within 10 years and to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 6% below the 2015 levels in the community within 10 years

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

the Town of Altona commits to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 20% below 2015 levels for municipal operations within 10 years and to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 6% below the 2015 levels in the community within 10 years

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We do not have a combined GHG inventory.

Town of Amherstburg

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Town of Bauline

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Another Plan
Newfoundland and Labrador

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

15-25% below 2016 levels by 202330-40% below 2016 levels by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Town of Blackfalds

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Town of Bridgewater

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Another Plan
Nova Scotia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

Bridgewater 2011.xlsx

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Town of Collingwood

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Corporate GHG reduction by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

20% below 2019 levels in 10 years and 80% reduction in 20 years

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Fleet - Text

20% reduction by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Waste - Text

20% reduction by 2030

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

We have completed our corporate GHG inventory.

How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Town of Devon

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Waste

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

We do not update regularly

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

6+ years

Town of East Gwillimbury

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Our GHG inventory is in development.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Our GHG inventory is in development.

Town of Grand Bay-westfield

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan
New Brunswick

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 9% reduction from 2015 levels

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

2015, 9%

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 14% from 2015 levels by 2035

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

interim 7% reduction from 2015 levels by 2025

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Upon the completion of a new climate action plan

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Upon the completion of a new climate action plan

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

6+ years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


Town of Huntsville

Corporate: Other
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: In-progress
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): declared a climate emergency

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Net-zero by 2050

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Our GHG inventory is in development.

Town of Innisfail

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Our GHG inventory is in development.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Our GHG inventory is in development.

Town of Innisfil

Corporate: Other
Community: No Targets
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): Currently developing corporate emissions reduction targets which are expected to be ratified by year end

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development, (please specify if possible):

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one.

Town of Kentville

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
No Plan
Nova Scotia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

We do not update regularly

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory).


Town of Mahone Bay

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
Nova Scotia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline year: 2010, 45% reduction by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

They are listed as separate items, residential is 100% reduction in emissions by 2050 (from 3,948 tonnes CO2e to 9), commercial is 98% reduction in emissions by 2050 from 6642 tonnes CO2e to 155 and industrial is 100% reduction in emissions by 2050, from 82 tonnes CO2e to 0.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

72 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

33 reduction in GHG emissions by 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

100 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

100 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 to 0

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Our combined GHG inventory is in development.

Town of Midland

Combined: No Targets
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

2015 baseline for the 2018 plan

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Town of Minto

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: In-progress
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Our GHG inventory is in development.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one.

Town of Morris

No Data
No Data
No Plan

Survey data not available

Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands

Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): 0.08__.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Our combined GHG inventory is in development.

Town of Okotoks

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

30% reduction by 2030 (compared to 2018 baseline year)

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

100% of new construction to a green standard by 2033. 20% of new construction to a zero carbon energy levels of performance by 2033

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

same as government buildings

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

increase percentage of trips made using transit or active transport by 25% by 2030, and reduce distance driven by residents by 25% by 2033

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

divert 95% of waste from landfill by 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

use 100% renewable energy at corporate facilities by 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Ecosystems and local food, health and wellness, water conservation, and corporate leadership

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Target(s) reached

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

Target(s) reached

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text

water & wastewater

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?


What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage

reduced 14.6% since 2018

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)

reduced 59,241 tonnes since 2018

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

Greenhouse Gas Emissions_2022 Council Report.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Town of Penetanguishene

Combined: No Targets
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

2015 baseline for the 2018 project

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Town of Qualicum Beach

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Another Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2008 levels by 2050 or sooner.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

33% by 2020 ~ 34,061 tonnes C02(e)50% by 2030 ~ 25,418.5 tonnes C02(e)65% by 2040 ~ 17,793 tonnes C02(e)

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage


If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type

Town of Quispamsis

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan
New Brunswick

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. by 12% by 2025 compared to 2015 baseline level

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

As per previous question, target to reduce by 12% by 2025 from 2015 baseline.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. target to reduce by 8% by 2025 and 16% by 2035

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

as per previous answer

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Utility - Water & Sewerage Systems

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

On track to reach target(s)

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Every 4-5 years

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name

Final Benchmark Report 2021- Quispamsis.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


Town of Saint Andrews

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
New Brunswick

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 30% reduction of GHG emissions and energy reduction by 2034 based on 2020 numbers and net zero achieved before 2025.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

30% GHG reduction and energy reduction by 2034 based on 2020 numbers and net zero before 2050.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

30% reduction by 2034 net zero before 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

full replacement of fleet before 2050 with hybrid or electric vehicles

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

30% reduction by 2034 and net zero before 2050

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

30% reduction by 2034 and net zero before 2050

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 4-5 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage


If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Town of Sidney

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

baseline year: 2007% reduction: 50%target year: 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Natural environment, infrastructure

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

Town of Sylvan Lake

Community: No Targets
Community: No inventory
Community Plan

Survey Responses

Community plan targets

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Energy and electricity,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Storm Runoff

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

On track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory.

We do not have a community GHG inventory.

Town of The Blue Mountains

Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. Net zero by 2050 corporate target; as a lower-tier municipality supports Grey Countys community-wide net zero by 2050 target

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year 2005, 40% reduction by 2025 (corporate)Grey County has established several interim community GHG targets comparing to a 2018 baseline year

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Town of Wasaga Beach

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Township of Brock

Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. Separate targets with Community at 86% by 2060 and Corporate of 96% by 2060

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Community reduction targets from baseline year of 2005 of 10% by 2015; 34% by 2030; and 86% by 2060 Municipal corporate reduction targets from baseline year of 2008 of 28% by 2015; 65% by 2030; and 96% by 2060

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

30% by 2015; 75% by 203; and 100% by 2060

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

Residential targets 20% by 2015; 50% by 2030; 100% by 2060

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

10% by 2015; 40% by 2030; 75% by 2060

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

40% by 2015; 70% by 203; 100% by 2060

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

ICI targets of 20% by 2025; 70% by 2030; 100% by 2060

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

5% by 2015; 100% by 2030; carbon sink of -25% by 2060

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

On track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


Township of Esquimalt

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: No inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
British Columbia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

38% reduction in GHG emissions below 2007 levels by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

22.5 % of new homes built with low carbon heating each year

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

5.5% of vehicle km travelled shift to pedestrian, cycling and transit by 2030/ 4% of commercial vehicles are electric by 2030/ 60% of passenger vehicles are electric by 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

7.5% reduction in organics going to landfill by 2025

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Building Retrofits: 3% of buildings undergoing 33% energy reduction retrofits each year / 2% of buildings converted to electric heat pump each year

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

Not on track to reach target(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

Not on track to reach target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We do not have a combined GHG inventory.

Township of Georgian Bay

Combined: No Targets
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Every 2-3 years

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

2015 baseline for the 2018 plan

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Township of King

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 2012 % reduction: 45% reduction by 2030.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline year: 2018. % reduction: 35% Target year: 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Upon the completion of a new climate action plan

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Every 4-5 years

Township of Rideau Lakes

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Township of Selwyn

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction from 2011 baseline by 2031

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 39% reduction from 2011 baseline by 2031

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Water & Sewage

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Target(s) exceeded

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Health impacts and climate awareness

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Not on track to meet target(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We are currently updating our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

We do not update regularly

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Every 2-3 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Village of Caroline

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): 70 acre Solar Farm Site

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

In development (please specify, if possible): Solar Farm 70 acre development

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We do not have a GHG inventory.

Village of McAdam

No Data
No Data
Corporate Plan
New Brunswick

Survey data not available

West Hants Regional Municipality

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
Nova Scotia

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Yes, other (please specify): _______. 45% reduction from 2018/19 corporate inventory and 45% reduction from 2016 community inventory level by 2030

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

No, not at this moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Municipal staff business travel

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text

Difficult to provide an estimate, work to implement action items is just beginning

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

We have completed our combined GHG inventory.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

We do not update regularly

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

Corporate: 2018/19; Community: 2016

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

WHRM GHG Inventory.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


York Region

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Baseline = 2014, Max 4% increase by 2025, 16% reduction by 2030, 60% reduction by 2051

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Yes, net-zero by 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

In development (please specify, if possible): _______

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Transit Fleet, Water and wastewater

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Target(s) exceeded

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Transit Fleet:

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify:

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

We have completed our GHG inventory.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

We have completed our GHG inventory.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate


How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community


What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Every 4-5 years

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Conseil municipal de Saint-Hippolyte

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.


Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduciton de 33% sous le niveau 1990 dici 2035

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Tous les ans

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

1990 (données disponibles dans linventaire de 2005)

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1 à 24?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage

2 000 000 tCO2e (2019)

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)

réduction de 7% par rapport à 1990

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

MRC de La Côte-de-Beaupré

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: In-progress
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Notre inventaire des GES est en cours délaboration.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

MRC de La Côte-de-Gaspé

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. 12% en 2030 par rapport à 2018

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. 6% dici 2030 par rapport à 2018

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets,Autre, veuillez préciser?:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

pistes cyclables

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Pas en voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text

pas de suivi effectué

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Énergie et électricité,Déchets

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières.

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


MRC de La Haute-Yamaska

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un.

MRC de LÉrable

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

MRC de Mékinac

Combined: No Targets
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Autre, veuillez préciser:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

à venir

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text

à venir

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Notre inventaire des GES est en cours délaboration.

MRC de Papineau

Corporate: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Déchets,Utilisation des terres

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

Nous navons pas dinventaire municipal des GES.

MRC de Roussillon

No Data
No Data
No Plan

Survey data not available

MRC de Rouville

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

MRC des Laurentides

No Data
No Data
Another Plan

Survey Responses

MRC Marguerite-DYouville

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduction de 15 % par rapport au niveau de 2019 dici 2030

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Autre, veuillez préciser:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

eaux usées

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Tous les 6?ans ou plus?

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Les émissions ont augmenté

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

Inventaire GES_MRC MDY 2019_v-f - rev1.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Municipalité de Pointe-des-Cascades

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Municipalité de Saint-Anicet

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Municipalité des Îles-de-la-Madeleine

Combined: Other
No Data
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduire de 15% dici 2025

Municipalité Saint-Adolphe-dHoward

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Village de Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Ville de Beloeil

Combined: Other
No Data
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. Réduction de 35% dici 2035 pour le corporatif. Réduction de 22% dici 2030 et 51% dici 2040 pour le communautaire.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Réduction de 35% dici 2035 pour le corporatif. Réduction de 22% dici 2030 et 51% dici 2040 pour la collectivité.

Ville de Boucherville

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Réduction de 45% des émissions par rapport à 2019, dici 2030Ceci est en lien avec notre adhésion au programme PPC et Maires pour le climat. Bien que notre plan de réduction de GES ne soit pas encore adopté par le Conseil, ceci est notre objectif.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050 ou avant.

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Oui, veuillez préciser en utilisant le formule suivant (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050).

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Réduction de 45% des émissions par rapport à 2019, dici 2030. Encore une fois à cause de PPC et Maire pour le climat, mais cet objectif nest pas encore officialisé à laide dun plan de réduction adopté par le Conseil.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory).


Ville de Candiac

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduire de 40% dici 2030

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. 40% dici 2030

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Autre, veuillez préciser?:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

adaptation et mobilité

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Énergie et électricité,Déchets

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name

Candiac_Plan action reduction emission GES 2022-2030_VF.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


Ville de Chambly

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Après la mise jour du bilan 2012

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text

Après la mise jour du bilan 2012

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Après la mise jour du bilan 2012

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text

Après la mise jour du bilan 2012

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

20% diminution

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Fleet - Text


Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting - Text

éclairage au LED un peu à chaque année

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Transport,Déchets,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

traitement eau

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use

Je ne sais pas

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières.

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


Ville de Châteauguay

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Ville de Cowansville

Combined: No Targets
Combined: Completed inventory
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Transport,Déchets

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières.

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Je ne sais pas.

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

Ville de Gatineau

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

2030: réduction de 35% pour la communauté par rapport à 2015 , et 50% pour lorganisation municipale

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres,Autre, veuillez préciser:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

infrastructures municipales (égouts, aqueducs) , ainsi que léconomie locale

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text

Infrastructures bâties

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Tous les ans

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Je ne sais pas.

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Ville de Granby

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Sera défini à lautomne 2023

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text

Sera défini en automne 2023

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Sera défini à lautomne 2023

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text

Sera défini à lautomne 2023

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets,Autre, veuillez préciser?:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

agricole, traitement de leau, gaz réfrigérant

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Objectif(s) dépassé(s)

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Autre, veuillez préciser:

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

En cours délaboration

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text

En cours délaboration

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name

2012 Plan réduction GES 2013-2017 - Copie.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


Ville de LAssomption

Corporate: No Targets
Corporate: In-progress
Corporate Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target.

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory.

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire municipal des GES.

How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated?

Tous les ans

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Les émissions ont augmenté

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

2021EmissionsReport (3).xlsx

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Ville de Lévis

No Data
No Data
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey data not available

Ville de Mascouche

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduction de 31% dici 2023

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

eaux usées

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Tous les 6?ans ou plus?

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Je ne sais pas.

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

20210125 - Inventaire GES_Mascouche 2019 final.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Ville de Mirabel

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Ville de Montréal

Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. Réduction de 55 % par rapport au niveaux 1990 dici 2030 et carboneutralité dici 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Réduction de 55 % sous les niveaux de 1990 dici 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Autre, veuillez préciser:

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

Rendre zéro carbone opérationnel les bâtiments municipaux dici 2030

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

Rendre zéro carbone opérationnel les nouveaux bâtiments de la collectivité dici 2030 et étendre cette mesure à lensemble des bâtiments de la collectivité montréalaise dici 2050 (après la publication du Plan climat, la date cible de 2050 a été devancée à 2040 pour les bâtiments de la collectivité)

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

Une réduction de 25?% de la part de lauto solo & atteindre 47 % de véhicules électriques immatriculés

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

Tendre vers le zéro déchet

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

Une diminution de la consommation de combustibles fossiles de la collectivité montréalaise (essence, diesel, gaz naturel, mazout et propane).

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Planter 500 000 arbres en priorité dans les secteurs vulnérables dici 2030 | Que les superficie daires naturelles atteignent 10 % du territoire | Une Une diminution de la vulnérabilité du territoire aux aléas climatiques | Une diminution de la superficie des îlots de chaleur

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

Pas en voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Tous les ans

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

25 à 49?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage

En 2021, les émissions de GES ont augmenté de 646 kt éq. CO2 par rapport à 2020, mais ont réduit de 4 769 kt éq. CO2 par rapport à 1990 (année de référence)

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)

En 2021, les émission de GES ont augmenté de 6,67% par rapport à 2020, mais ont réduit 32 % par rapport à 1990 (année de référence)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)

Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement du Sud-Ouest

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: 2023_.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text


Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières.

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Je ne sais pas.

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Je ne sais pas

Ville de Mont-Saint-Hilaire

Combined: Net-zero by 2050
Combined: Completed inventory
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Réduction de 45 % des émissions de GES dici 2030, par rapport à lannée de référence 2021 (année de production de notre bilan GES).

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

À la fin dun nouveau plan daction climatique

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Je ne sais pas.

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)

Ville de Québec

Corporate: Net-zero by 2050
Community: Net-zero by 2050
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Oui, veuillez préciser en utilisant le formule suivant (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

-45% dici 2030 par rapport à 2010

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050 ou avant.

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

-45% dici 2030 par rapport à 2010

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Énergie et électricité,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Tous les ans

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Tous les ans

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Ville de Rivière-du-Loup

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
Corporate and Community Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Oui, réduction de 20?% par rapport au niveau de _____ dici _____ . 2008 à 2020, le prochain est en élaboration

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Oui, réduction de 20?% par rapport au niveau de _____ dici _____ . 2008 à 2020, le prochain est en élaboration

Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets,Autre, veuillez préciser?:

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

réduction globale de 20%

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Fleet - Text

réduction globale de 20%

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting - Text

réduction globale de 20%

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Waste - Text

réduction globale de 20%

Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text

services reliés à leau, réduction globale de 20%

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities)

Objectif(s) manqué

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet

Objectif(s) manqué

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting

Objectif(s) dépassé(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Waste

Objectif(s) dépassé(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify:

Objectif(s) manqué

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text

Services deau et eaux usées

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

réduction globale de 20%

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

réduction globale de 20%

Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text

réduction globale de 20%

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Objectif(s) dépassé(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation

Objectif(s) manqué

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste

Objectif(s) dépassé(s)

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)?


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)?


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name

F - RDL Corpo Comparatif-2008-2020.xlsx

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type


Ville de Saguenay

No Data
No Data
No Plan

Survey data not available

Ville de Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Ville de Saint-Hyacinthe

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières.

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


Ville de Saint-Lambert

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: Completed inventory
Community: Completed inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. 2023-2033

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory).


What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory).


Ville de Saint-Sauveur

Corporate: No Targets
Community: No Targets
Corporate: No inventory
Community: No inventory
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.

Ville de Salaberry-de-Valleyfield

Corporate: Other
Community: Other
Corporate: In-progress
Community: In-progress
No Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)?

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. À venir

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development, (please specify if possible): - Text

À venir

Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)?

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. À venir

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______.

Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development, (please specify if possible): - Text

À venir

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate

Notre inventaire des GES est en cours délaboration.

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community

Notre inventaire des GES est en cours délaboration.

Ville de Val-dOr

Combined: No Targets
Combined: In-progress
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:


Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières.

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

Je ne sais pas.

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.


Ville de Varennes

Combined: Other
Combined: In-progress
Combined Integrated or Joint Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. Réduire de 34% par rapport à 2019 dici 2030

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Non, pas en ce moment.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text

Efficacité énergétique, toits verts, isolation, etc.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text

Efficacité énergétique, toits verts

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text

Électrification, réduire la consommation de carburant,

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text


Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text

Efficacité énergétique, DEL, diminuer léclairage

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text

Boucles énergétiques, efficacité énergétique, etc.

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text

Augmentation et diversification de la canopée, protection des milieux naturels

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities)

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial)

Pas en voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting

Objectif(s) atteint(s)

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use

Pas en voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use

En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Tous les ans

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?


From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1 à 24?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage

29 000 tco2eq depuis 2019

If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes)


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.

Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 2 à 3?ans

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

Inventaire GES_Varennes 2019_v-f sig.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Ville de Victoriaville

Combined: Other
Combined: Completed inventory
Another Plan

Survey Responses

Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)?

Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. corporatif 27 % dici 2035 et collectivité 47 % dici 2040

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible:

Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050).

Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text

Collectivité 25 % dici 2030 et 47 % dici 2040 année de référence 2028

Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target:

Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits

Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory.

Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES.

How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated?

Tous les 6?ans ou plus?

What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)?

2018, cest notre 2e inventaire, le premier inventaire était trop vieux et on ne pouvait comparer les chiffres (2008 je crois)

From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target:

1 à 24?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress.


For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan.

Tous les 4 à 5?ans

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals.

Tous les 6?ans ou plus

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name

Plan GES-Victoriaville_Rapport complet.pdf

If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size


If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type


Municipality Province Population Language Plan Type Survey Responses
Regional District of Central Okanagan British Columbia 156000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner. Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 2007 Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2011 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory). = 2011 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Unsure From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure and/or (2) provide the URL: =
The City of Terrace British Columbia 12017 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner. Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2007 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 75%-99% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 0.16 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 258 Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_afQGfxjORC8s7y9 Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = City of Terrace GHG Emissions Inventory Tool V1.0.xlsx Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 479914 Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Town of Creston British Columbia 5690 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner. Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = We align with the BC governments CleanBC plan which includes a range of incentives and policies to reducecarbon pollution by 40 % by 2030, 60 % by 2040, and 80 % by 2050 Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2011 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Emissions increased Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_1ISEgGO6HWW9IWf Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = CARIP LG.xlsx Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 368070 Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
City of Abbotsford British Columbia 153000 EN Corporate and Community Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction from 2007 level by 2040 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 200720% by 2025 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction of per capita GHG emission from 2007 level by 2040 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 200720% reduction of per capita GHG emission by 2025 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = (Per-capita, baseline year 2007) reduce 35% by 2040 Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = (Per-capita, baseline year 2007) reduce 50% by 2040 Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = (Per-capita, baseline year 2007) reduce 40% by 2040 Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Economy Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to meet target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to meet target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste = On track to meet target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = We do not update regularly What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_12Me2f14INi6yag If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = 2022 LGCAP Survey Report-Final.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 1171450 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/pdf
City of Brantford Ontario 100000 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_2YaC07HTzgOvron Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Appendix A_Corporate Climate Change Action Plan.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2604118 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_1KlIzQpvbIF9GWg Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = Brantford Community Climate Change Action Plan 2022.pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 4956069 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 2018; % reduction: 30% by 2030 and 80% by 2040 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 2018; % reduction target: 30% by 2030 and 80% by 2040 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Water and Wastewater Treatment Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = On track to reach target(s) Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Waste Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Every 2-3 years How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = reduced by 1% from the baseline year of 2018 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = reduced 166 tonnes of GHG emissions since 2018 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = reduced emissions by 4% since the baseline year of 2018 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Community = reduced 30,836 tonnes of GHG emissions since 2018 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
City of Calgary Alberta 1400000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 60% reduction of GHG emissions below 2005 levels by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Water use - 2033 target 350 lires per capita per day Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2005 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Emissions increased If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = GHG emissions increased 3.5% from 2005 to 2023, however Calgarys population increased by approx. 41% over the same time period If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = Our GHG emissions increased from 15.8 MtCO2e in 2005 to 16.35 MtCO2e in 2023. This however is in relation to a approx. 41% population increase For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
City of Camrose Alberta 20000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
City of Charlottetown Prince Edward Island 40500 EN Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_r2UM8bhVnvEqO6R Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = CEP.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 7497934 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline 2015, 50-60% reduction by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Emissions remained constant For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently)
City of Delta British Columbia 100000 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_2TMBgZD7IO3kkla Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Deltas Corporate Climate Change Initiative 2010.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2288766 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_1q3b42FQI1iFBfo Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = Delta CEEP September 2013.pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 1425544 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): _______. We previously had a target of reducing emissions by 20% from 2007 levels which was achieved. We are in the process of developing an updated target and corporate plan. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 45% reduction of 2007 levels by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Upon the completion of a new climate action plan What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Target emissions reductions reached From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Emissions remained constant For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years
City of Estevan Saskatchewan 12000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
City of Fernie British Columbia 6500 EN Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_2dSxicKb2v3SQoc Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Forever Fernie - Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP).pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 3900331 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf
City of Grande Prairie Alberta 68000 EN Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_PLowEa3bG2AOuiZ Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = FINAL Grande Prairie Energy Strategy_2021 Update_V2 ADOBE.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 328755 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, 20% reduction from 2009 (e.g., 20% reduction from 2008 level by 2030). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Net zero corporate emission by 2035 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2009 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_32KpxsRcRO1uE9E If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = 2021 Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Summary.docx If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 38517 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
City of Greater Sudbury Ontario 160000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_3GpMM4QdindM7LM Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = CEEP revised March 2021.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 14056830 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 50% by 203080% by 2040 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2016 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years
City of Hamilton Ontario 569353 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = community-target = baseline year: 2006, 50% by 2030 corporate-target = baseline year: 2005, 50% by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = â¢Retrofit 100% of commercial buildings, inceasing energy efficiency by 50% by 2050 relative to 2016 levels â¢New commercial buildings are 60% lower in energy use intensity than 2016 levels by 2050 â¢Retrofit 100% of existing homes to achieve 50% energy efficiency savings relative to 2016 by 2050 â¢Post-retrofits, switch buildings to heat pumps for space and water heating by 2050 â¢By 2031, new dwellings are 60% more energy efficient relative to 2016. Only 20% of new dwellings are single family detached by 2050 â¢By 2050, all new municipal buildings achieve net-zero emissions â¢By 2050, all municipal buildings are retrofitted to achieve 50% energy efficiency relative to 2016 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = â¢Retrofit 100% of commercial buildings, inceasing energy efficiency by 50% by 2050 relative to 2016 levels â¢New commercial buildings are 60% lower in energy use intensity than 2016 levels by 2050 â¢Retrofit 100% of existing homes to achieve 50% energy efficiency savings relative to 2016 by 2050 â¢Post-retrofits, switch buildings to heat pumps for space and water heating by 2050 â¢By 2031, new dwellings are 60% more energy efficient relative to 2016. Only 20% of new dwellings are single family detached by 2050 â¢By 2050, all new municipal buildings achieve net-zero emissions â¢By 2050, all municipal buildings are retrofitted to achieve 50% energy efficiency relative to 2016 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = â¢100% of new Personal Use Vehicles are electric by 2040 â¢By 2050, 100% of heavy-duty vehicles are green-hydrogen based and light duty commercial vehicles are electric â¢Private vehicle trips decline by 9% relative to 2016 per person by 2020 â¢Vehicular trip length declines by 6% from 2016 levels by 2050 â¢Increase marine energy efficiency by 50% by 2050 relative to 2016 â¢100% of new municipal small and light-duty vehicles are electric by 2040 â¢100% of new municipal heavy-duty vehicles switch to clean hydrogen by 2040 â¢Decarbonize the transit fleet by 2035 â¢By 2050, 10% of short trips are completed by e-mobility or EV car-share â¢Increase transit use to 15% of trips by 2050 in the urban area â¢By 2050, 50% of short-trips in the urban area take place through walking or cycling Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = â¢By 2050, 95% of organic waste is sent to anaerobic digestion for local energy use Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = â¢By 2050, installation of 280 MW of ground mount solar PV, inside or outside the City boundary â¢Expanding of the downtown district energy network powered by industrial residual heat â¢By 2050, installation of rooftop solar PV capacity to power, on average, 50% of building electric load, before the introduction of heat pumps â¢Starting in 2031, all new homes have 30% annual load coverage by solar PV, before the introduction of heat pumps â¢Starting in 2026, all new commercial buildings include rooftop solar PV panels â¢By 2050, 50% of municipal buildings will add rooftop solar PV, covering 30% of the buildings electric load Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = â¢Increase industrial efficiency (other than steel mills) by 50% from 2016 levels by 2050 â¢At the steel mills, reduce GHG emissions by 50% from 2016 levels by 2035 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = â¢Planting 50,000 trees a year through to 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = renewables, planning policies, Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text = Intentionally leaving blank, as we currently do have the ability to measure whether sector specific targets are on track or off track. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = Corporate = 2005, Community = 2006 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = 0.407 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = 7059821 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_1JK0UOSItVC7Shu If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = City of Hamilton_GPCReporting2023.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 210319 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
City of Kelowna British Columbia 145000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 12% below 2007 levels 2022 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 4% by 2023, 25% by 2033, 80% by 2050 (below 2007 levels) Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline: 20074% by 202325% by 203380% by 2050(currently working on a new plan that will have revised targets - Council has directed to use net zero by 2050 in the new plan) Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Land Use planning Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Not on track to meet target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Unsure From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Emissions increased If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = increased 1.1% from 2007 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years and/or (2) provide the URL link =
City of Kingston Ontario 130000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2040. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline year: 2011, % reduction: 30%; target year 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2014 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years
City of Leduc Alberta 36060 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 3% reduction from business as usual Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Emissions increased For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years
City of Lethbridge Alberta 101000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): 40% reduction from 2018 levels by 2030 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2018 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory). = 2018, but the baseline year for emission reduction is TBD From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 12.2% reduction from the 2018 baseline If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 20,390 tonnes of GHG emissions since the baseline year of 2018 and/or (2) provide the URL: =
City of Markham Ontario 353000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: =,net%20zero%20emissions%20by%202050. Markham Corporate Energy Management Plan - Markham Municipal Energy Plan (Page 55, Section 4.5.2) - Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Based on the Municipal Energy Plans 2011 emissions baseline. Please refer to Figure 118 on page 167: - 2020 - 10% reduction - 2030 - 45% reduction - 2040 - 80% reduction - 2050 - 100% reduction Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = Rooftop solar, streetlighting Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = carbon sequestering from trees Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2011 baseline From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Emissions increased For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
City of Mississauga Ontario 719000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_ai4drSigna67DOx Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Mississauga Climate Change Action Plan_APPROVED_Colourcorrection.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 7505192 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 1990 levels by 2050 or sooner. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 40% reduction below 1990 levels by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 1990 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years and/or (2) provide the URL link: =
City of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan 34000 EN No Plan
City of Nanaimo British Columbia 90000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 50% to 58% reduction by 2030 (2010 baseline year) Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 50% to 58% reduction by 2030 (2010 baseline year) Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = Support the upgrade of existing buildings so all buildings achieve net zero by 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = By 2050 all transporation trips are zero carbon, through active transportation and zev adoption Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = Support eliminating organic matter sent to the landfill by 2030 Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to meet target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to meet target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste = Unsure Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Annually What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 776,626 (2010) From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Emissions increased From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Emissions increased If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = -6.5% If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = Corporate emissions have increased by 379t co2e from 2010 to 2021 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = 0.09 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Community = Total community emissions (GPC + method) have increased by 79,794t co2e from 2010 to 2021 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_3HOEsdOHihUfeLs If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = rdn_ghg_calculator_20230711_1.xlsb If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 7405062 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
City of Nelson British Columbia 11400 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2040. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 75% reduction by 2030 from 2007 baseline Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = urban design / density Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = We are still developing sector specific targets Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Our combined GHG inventory is in development.
City of Niagara Falls Ontario 95000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = Not at this time Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = Not at this time Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = Not at this time Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = Not at this time Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = Not at this time Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = Not at this time Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = Not at this time Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We do not have a combined GHG inventory, but have plans to create one.
City of Orillia Ontario 33000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_2ZD14IGjXhcmZFt Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Orillias Climate Future.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 19665230 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 50% over 2018 levels by 2030, Net zero emissions for City operations by 2040. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018, next will be 2024 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
City of Ottawa Ontario 1067310 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 20122025: 43% reduction2030: 68% reduction2040: 96% reduction Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2012 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
City of Owen Sound Ontario 22000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 2026 - community 15%, corporate 20%; 2030 - community 30%, corporate 35%;2035 - community 50%, corporate 50%;2040 - community 60%, corporate 65%;2045- community 75%, corporate 80% Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = completed in 2022; using 2018 as the baseline to align with our upper tier municipality From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
City of Peterborough Ontario 83000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 45% tCO2e reduction by 2030 from 2011 baseline levels Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 45% tCO2e reduction by 2030 from 2011 baseline levels. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2011 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2011 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 17 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 3832 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = 18 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Community = 105132 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years and/or (2) provide the URL link =
City of Revelstoke British Columbia 8275 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year : 2007Reduction: 40%Target Year: 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = Lead by example through corporate policies that prioritize low carbon retrofits Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = 1. Improve energy efficiency 2. Encourage and enable fuel switching 3. Build industry capacity and increase demand Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = Build safe routes for walking, cycling and other forms of zero emission mobility / Collaborate with transit providers to transition to a zero emission transit network Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = Food will be produced locally, and waste organics composted to produce local Class A product. All waste streams will be manged locally, including by industry. Waste heat will be captured and used locally, expanding on community energy production. A closedloop waste management system exists Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = ncourage and enable building electrification Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = Engage commercial and industrial stakeholders Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = Optimize policies and bylaws for compact growth Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2011 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Emissions increased If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = 11 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = 6958 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years
City of Rossland British Columbia 4140 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development (please specify, if possible): _______ Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Our combined GHG inventory is in development.
City of Saint John New Brunswick 70000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Every 4-5 years How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2016 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2016 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 50%-74% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 67 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 15950 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = 7 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Community = 43680 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure and/or (2) provide the URL link =
City of Saskatoon Saskatchewan 288311 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_2rqJN6UnAQS0rMm Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Low Emissions Community Plan.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 15034535 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2014 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = 9 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = 342600 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_2lBiG0YzTFvNDm9 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = 2021 GHG Inventories - Saskatoon - NZAP.xlsx If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 140076 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
City of Selkirk Manitoba 10504 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2030. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Not interim - improves on our net-zero 2030 target. Achieve actual zero by 2045. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Annually From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Unsure From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
City of Stratford Ontario 34000 EN Corporate Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_xF7fDObumSXHqkF Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Corporate Energy and Emissions Plan_May2023- GR1.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2705054 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = We have completed our corporate GHG inventory.
City of Temiskaming Shores Ontario 9500 EN Corporate Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 2019% reduction: 40%Target year: 2033 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = 15 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Fleet - Text = 8 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Other, please specify: - Text = 17 Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = We have completed our corporate GHG inventory. How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years
City of Toronto Ontario 3000000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2040. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = With the adoption of the Net Zero Strategy, the Cityâs GHG reduction targets, from 1990 levels, are:30 per cent by 202045 per cent by 202565 per cent by 2030net zero by 2040 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = All City Agency, Corporation and Division-owned new developments are designed and constructed to applicable Toronto Green Standard Version 4 standard achieving zero carbon emissions, beginning in 2022 â Greenhouse gas emissions from City-owned buildings are reduced by 60 per cent from 2008 levels; by 2040, City-owned buildings reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = 100 per cent of new buildings are designed and built to be near zero greenhouse gas emissions â Greenhouse gas emissions from existing buildings are cut in half, from 2008 levels Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = 75 per cent of school/work trips under 5km are walked, biked or by transit â 30 per cent of registered vehicles in Toronto are electric Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = Identify pathways to more sustainable consumption in City of Toronto operations and in Torontos economy â 70 per cent residential waste diversion from the City of Torontoâs Integrated Waste Management System Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = â 50 per cent of community-wide energy comes from renewable or low-carbon sources 9 â 25 per cent of commercial and industrial floor area is connected to low carbon thermal energy sources Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = we have other corporate targets in other sectors. Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 1990 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Target emissions reductions reached If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = Torontoâs GHG emissions were 43 per cent lower in 2020 than in 1990 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
City of Victoria British Columbia 91867 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 100% renewable energy by 2050 and reduce green house gas emissions by 80% over 2007 levels Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Reduce community GHG emissions by 50 percent (by 2007 levels) by 2030, and cut the City of Victorias corporate emissions by 60 percent by 2030 and 80 percent by 2040. Additionally, by 2040, all City facilities will be renewably powered and 80 percent of the City fleet will be renewably powered
City of West Kelowna British Columbia 38745 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): Corporate Climate Action Plan development currently ongoing - target setting in discussions Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development, (please specify if possible): Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development, (please specify if possible): - Text = Corporate Climate Action Plan currently under development Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): draft OCP (soon to be adopted) recommends targets for community GHG emissions should reflect provincial targets including 40% reduction in GHG emissions reductions by 2030 from 2007 levels, 60% reduction in GHG emissions by 2040 from 2007 levels and 80% reduction in emissions by 2050 from 2007 levels. Additional work to finalize targets required as part of Community Climate Action Plan (start date TBD) Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2012 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Emissions increased If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 0.24 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 602
City of Winnipeg Manitoba 749607 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Reduction of 20 percent by 2030, relative to 2011 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = 8% increase in emissions relative to total city emissions in 2011 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = 17% reduction relative to total city emissions in 2011 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 11% reduction relative to total city emissions in 2011 Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2006 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Emissions increased For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Corporation of the City of Cranbrook British Columbia 20499 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2012 levels by 2050 or sooner. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 40% reduction by 2030, 2012 baseline Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 40% reduction by 2030, 2007 baseline Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Adaptation, Engagement & Policies Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Municipal leadership Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Unsure Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2012 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 75%-99% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 17 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = reduced 421 tonnes from 2012 to 2022 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually and/or (2) provide the URL link =
Corporation of the City of London, Ontario Ontario 435000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. Community target is net-zero by 2050, Corporate target is net-zero by 2045 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Community:- target type: total emissions- baseline year: 2005- 2030 target: 55% reduction - 2035 target: 65% reduction - 2040 target: 75% reduction Corporate:- target type: total energy-related emissions- baseline year: 2007- 2030 target: 65% reduction - 2035 target: 75% reduction - 2040 target: 90% reduction Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = climate adaptation & resiliency Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text = for community emissions: residential and waste currently on track to meet 2030; IC&I almost on track; transportation not on track Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 1990, but now use 2005 as baseline From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = -24% below 2005 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = -920,000 tonnes/year lower in 2022 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay Ontario 108843 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = (2021 Inventory will be publicly available in August) 2016: Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline year: 2016, % reduction: 55%, target year: 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = 11 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050) Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = 285 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050) Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = 232 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050) Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 50 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050) Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = 128 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050) Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = 268 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050) Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = 51 ktCO2e reduction (annually by 2050) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2016 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = reduced our emissions by 7% from 2016 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = In 2021, we reduced 85762 tonnes of GHG emissions compared to 2016 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years
County of Huron Ontario 60000 EN Corporate Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_1KeU3ywKh3sawiA Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Corporate Climate Change Adaptation Plan_Update.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2468417 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Other, please specify: - Text = Natural infrastructure, financing, engagement Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Infrastructure and Assets Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = We do not have a corporate GHG inventory, but have plans to create one.
County of Wellington Ontario 100000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2017 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
District Municipality of Muskoka Ontario 60000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline year: 2018, 50% reduction, target year:2030 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline year: 2018, 50% reduction, target year: 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Every 4-5 years How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Every 6+ years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Emissions increased From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = +5.6% If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 222 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years
District of Central Saanich British Columbia 17000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 100% less GHG emissions by 2050, relative to 2007 Interim target: 45% less GHG emissions by 2030, relative to 2007 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Our combined GHG inventory is in development.
District of Lake Country British Columbia 17000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Our GHG inventory is in development. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
District of New Hazelton British Columbia 585 EN Community Plan Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_1pWneXjmXyen1bI Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = CEEP QS Report New Hazelton DRAFT (2).docx Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 9984921 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Community plan targets = Yes, 20% reduction from _____ (e.g., 20% reduction from 2008 level by 2030). Community plan targets - Yes, 20% reduction from _____ (e.g., 20% reduction from 2008 level by 2030). - Text = 2007 to 2050 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 200715% reductionTarget year: 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Energy and electricity Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory. = We have completed our community GHG inventory. How often is your community GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years
District of Oak Bay British Columbia 18000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): 33% reduction by 2020 over 2007 levels Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, other (please specify): 33% reduction by 2020 over 2007 levels Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = We do not update regularly How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = We do not update regularly What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2007 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory). = 2007 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Unsure From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure and/or (2) provide the URL: =
District of Sooke British Columbia 15084 EN Corporate and Community Plan
Dufferin County Ontario 66000 EN Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Community plan targets = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 201610% reduction by 203040% reduction by 2040 Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory. = We have completed our community GHG inventory. How often is your community GHG emissions inventory updated? = Upon the completion of a new climate action plan What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2016 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years
Foothills County Alberta 30000 EN Corporate Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction from 2019 levels by 2027 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 2019 as baseline year. 40% reduction by 2027. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = We have completed our corporate GHG inventory. How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total percentage = 6.6% reduction in 2022 from 2019 baseline levels If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total amount (tonnes) = After weather normalization of data, achieved 162.1 tonnes of GHG reduction in 2022, equivalent to 6.6%, from 2019 baseline levels. For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_UllDC901XQz0Ik9 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = Council Report - Energy Manager-17th May 2023.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 4365823 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
Grey County Ontario 93830 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_1EgvXgbjk6PX5cz Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Going+Green+in+Grey+-+Accessible (26).pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 7603529 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. Corporate net-zero by 2045. Community net-zero by 2050 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year = 2018Community GHG emission reductions targets of 15% by 2026, 30% by 2030, 50% by 2035, 60% by 2040, 75% by 2045 and net-zero by 2050Corporate GHG emission reduction targets of 20% by 2026, 40% by 2030, 55% by 2035, 70% by 2040 and net-zero by 2045 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = Retrofit all existing Grey-owned facilities by 2045. All new municipal offices and facilities net zero ready by 2025. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = All new buildings net-zero ready by 2030, 84% o homes are retrofit by 2050 with and average efficiency gain fo 40%+ per project. 15% of residential homes have solar panels by 2030. 90% of institutional and commercial buidlings are retrofitted by 2050. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = 40% of short trips and walked or biked by 2050. 100% zero emission vehicle by 2050. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 30% of solid waste and 50% of organic waste diverted from landfill by 2050. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = 1.78MW of solar installation are installed by 2030 to power Grey-owned buildings. Retrofit outdoor lighting to LED bulbs. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = 60% of pasture, 90% of cropland, 50% of manure under best management practices by 2050. Plant 5 million trees by 2050. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = 13,000,000 m3 of renewable natural gas produced by 2030. Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text = The plan was made in 2022. We havent measured progress yet. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2022 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Loyalist Township Ontario 17943 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 25% reduction from 2016 levels by 2030. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development (please specify, if possible): _______ Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text = Updated ECDM plan will include milestones. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = Decrease GHG emissions associated with potable water treatment/distribution by 10% and sewage collection/treatment by 20% below 2016 levels by 2030. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = Reduce commercial and institutional emissions to 25% below 2016 levels by 2031. Reduce residential emissions to 10% below 2016 levels by 2031. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 40% waste diversion rate by 2030. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Water and Wastewater Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We do not have a combined GHG inventory.
MRC Pontiac Quebec 14000 EN Corporate Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_svg3yLH37fmVIbL Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Plan_action_GES_MRC de Pontiac_2020-2025.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 1368831 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf
Municipality of Chatham-Kent Ontario 105000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Our GHG inventory is in development. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Emissions increased
Municipality of Clarington Ontario 105000 EN Corporate Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_30cSwZ17jk0JSsm Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Clarington-Corporate-Climate-Action-Plan-AODA.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2431298 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline year: 2018, % reduction: 35%, target year: 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = We have completed our corporate GHG inventory. How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated? = Upon the completion of a new climate action plan What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
Municipality of Digby Nova Scotia 8500 EN Corporate Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_3iUt9QnD6W9sKaD Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = MCCAP FINAL DECEMBER Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 16623029 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/zip Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): _______. collaborating with the Dept of Enviornment to develop one Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development (please specify, if possible): _______ Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text = No targets set yet Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = Our corporate GHG inventory is in development.
Municipality of Kincardine Ontario 11000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Municipality of Port Hope Ontario 17500 EN Corporate Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_2CerCuWJzTDJIup Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Corporate Climate Action Plan 2010.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 387056 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2008 levels by 2050 or sooner. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development (please specify, if possible): _______ Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = -30% energy consumption in 10 years Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Fleet - Text = -20-25% in 10 years Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Waste - Text = -20% in 10 years Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities) = Target(s) exceeded Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet = Target(s) missed Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Waste = Target(s) reached Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = We have completed our corporate GHG inventory. How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2008 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 50%-74% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total percentage = -51% For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Never If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_2Qsqz0T5vXkacQU If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = GHG Inventory &BAU Forecast Port Hope-FINAL.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 418507 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
Municipality of South Huron Ontario 10000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc Ontario 22000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Our GHG inventory is in development. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Municipality of the County of Annapolis Nova Scotia 20000 EN Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Community plan targets = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Transportation - Text = roads Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory. = We do not have a community GHG inventory.
Municipality of the County of Colchester Nova Scotia 37000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_3Mg3xuii7in1Hfy Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = FINAL_Colchester_CEEP.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 32359713 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = We do not have an overall interim emissions target, but many of our specific targets are based on timelines shorter than 2050, e.g. 80% of existing buildings have deep energy retrofits by 2040. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2021 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
Municipality of the County of Pictou Nova Scotia 20611 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2030 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 100 percent reduction Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero prior to 2050 (please specify the year): 2030 Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Our GHG inventory is in development. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one.
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Nova Scotia 26000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Interim target is not combined.Community target:30% reduction below 2019 baseline by 2030Corporate target:64% reduction below 2019 baseline by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
Musqueam Indian Band British Columbia 1200 EN Another Plan
Niagara Region Ontario 484840 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Emissions remained constant Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_1CxWHWs2KS4tkqZ Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = Niagara Region 2018 Corporate GHG Inventory.pdf Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 1467104 Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/pdf
Norfolk County Ontario 64000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): 30% reduction from 2005 levels Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2017 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_1mz4FAsdFie08KM Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = Energy-Consumption-and-Greenhouse-Gas-Emissions-MECP-Report-For-2020-FINAL-ua.pdf Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 142911 Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/pdf
Oxford County Ontario 110000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 68.7% reduction from 2015 levels by 2050 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 14.1% reduction from 2015 by 2025 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 47% reduction from 2015 by 2050 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 11% reduction from 2015 levels by 2025 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = We do not update regularly What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 1.3% decrease since 2015 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 81 tonnes since 2015 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually and/or (2) provide the URL link =
Region of Peel Ontario 2500000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Corporate greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 45% by 2030, relative to 2010 levels Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from _____ levels by 2050 or sooner. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 80% below 1990 levels by 2050, Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = water / wastewater / waste Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Not on track to reach target(s) Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = water Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = district energy Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use = Not on track to meet target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory.
Region of Waterloo Ontario 600000 EN Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Community plan targets = Yes, at least 80% reduction from _____ levels by 2050 or sooner. Community plan targets - Yes, at least 80% reduction from _____ levels by 2050 or sooner. - Text = 2010 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 50% reduction by 2030, below 2010 levels Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = By 2050, 85% of buildings use electric heat pumps, or equipment that is at least as energy efficient and low carbon as heat pumps, and 20% by 2030. By 2050, 85% of buildings use energy efficient and low carbon water heaters, and 20% by 2030 By 2025, fuel oil and propane use for building heating is 100% eliminated. Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Transportation - Text = By 2050, personal vehicle trips between homes and workplaces have been reduced 40% due to work from home options, and 10% by 2030. By 2050, discretionary trips have been reduced by 18% (in kmâs) and 4% by 2030. By 2050, vehicle trips over 5km have been reduced by 10%, (in kmâs) and by 2% in 2030. By 2050, vehicle trips under 5km have been reduced 80% by using active transportation, and 10% by 2030. By 2050, 99% of gasoline and diesel vehicles are switched to zero emission vehicles, and 50% by 2030. Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Energy and electricity - Text = By 2050, 38% of electricity used locally is produced locally from carbon neutral, renewable sources, and 4% by 2030. Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Waste - Text = By 2050, we will have maintained the same level of methane emissions from our landfills as we had in 2010. Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = By 2050, we will have maintained the same level of methane emissions from livestock as we did in 2010. Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Energy and electricity = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory. = We have completed our community GHG inventory. How often is your community GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2010 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., We have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and We have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = 0.144 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Regional District of Nanaimo British Columbia 155000 EN Corporate Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 100% reduction (carbon neutral) by 2032 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Other, please specify: - Text = Water Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = We have completed our corporate GHG inventory. How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total percentage = ? If available, please use the textbox below to provide the change in corporate GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of xxxx): - Total amount (tonnes) = ? For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Regional Municipality of Durham Ontario 700000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 40% by 2030 over 2019 levels Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 30% by 2030, 2019 baseline Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = wastewater management Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Not on track to reach target(s) Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = 25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years
Resort Municipality of Whistler British Columbia 36900 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 50% reduction from 2007 by 2030 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = By 2030, reduce emissions from residential buildings by 20% and large commercial buildings by 40%. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = By 2030, 50% of all trips in Whistler are by transit and active transportation. 50% of all VKT are from ZEVs. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = By 2030, reduce waste sector emissions by 95% Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Emissions increased For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_x5wQNFTZcwt0oV3 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = 2022_Whistler_annual_climate progress report_final.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 1335265 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
Rural Municipality of Connaught No. 457 Saskatchewan 491 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Rural Municipality of Excelsior No. 166 Saskatchewan 804 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Rural Municipality of Mountain Manitoba 980 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne Manitoba 5584 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_CkQ6aMKzBaJVeYV Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = CCLAP_Ste_Anne_Oct2_2019.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 9407011 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): _______. See our CCLAP Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = regional/shared transportation Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = solid and wastewater Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = drainage Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Water, air quality, Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Rural Municipality of Stuartburn Manitoba 1731 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_1li3veeZz7XRJyh Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = CCLAPStuartburnSept52019_dwFAUZ.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 10983998 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_12Q39cZOlSZu1Y1 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = CCLAPStuartburnSept52019_dwFAUZ.pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 10983998 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, 20% reduction from 2015 (e.g., 20% reduction from 2008 level by 2030). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 6$ reduction from 2015 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = We do not update regularly How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = We do not update regularly What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2011 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2011 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Emissions increased If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 9 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Community = -128 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Never If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_Xh7e3iLGdYqIJfH If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = GHG Report Stuartburn.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 789528 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/pdf
Selwyn Township Ontario 18600 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Severn Sound Environmental Association Ontario 12000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 36% reduction from 2015 by 2028 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = Baseline year - 2015, done in 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District British Columbia 50000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050 or sooner. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development (please specify, if possible): _______ Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text = direction to update ghg targets based on IPCC Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = zero waste Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Emissions increased If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = 1% (increase) If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = 354221 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years
Sunshine Coast Regional District British Columbia 30000 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_82CgV9H74RARhfz Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = 2023-JAN Corporate Carbon Neutrality Plan (2).docx Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2415597 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): _______. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development (please specify, if possible): _______ Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): _______. strategic plan under development Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development (please specify, if possible): _______ Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = contracted services Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Not on track to reach target(s) Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory.
Tantramar New Brunswick 7000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan
Tay Township Ontario 10000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Tay Valley Township Ontario 10000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_2f8wo2Gk3PAbyz2 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = 2020 - Tay Valley Township - Climate Action Plan.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 3232708 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 55% reduction from 2018 by 2030 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
The City of Brandon Manitoba 52000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = The City of Brandon has established a target of net-zero ghg emissions by 2050 with an interim target of 30% reduction by 2030. The City of Brandon has established a target of net-zero ghg for corporate operations by 2045. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = 10% reduction Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = 47.5% reduction Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = 50.8% community, 52% corporate Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 1.8% reduction Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years
The City of Cornwall Ontario 47000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_210OnJpfU6IPYUG Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Cornwall CAP_Accessible_FINAL_April 17 2023.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 12827122 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 40-45% greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction (below 2005 levels) by 2030 and to become a net-zero city by 2050. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Nature-based Solutions Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text = Nature-based Solutions Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_1kSsFTUyrWHW37p If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = M1.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 2010712 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
The City of Fredericton Newfoundland and Labrador 70000 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_3dVSPnsbQb3opWL Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = rpt_corporate_ceep_cof_20220614_1.docx Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 836958 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_1mFe5nBffMZA76X Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = cof_ceep_2022_20220614.pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 14980146 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 2004, % reduction: 50%, target year: 2030 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 2000, % reduction: 50%, target year: 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2004 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2000 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 25%-49% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 37 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 7307 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = 15 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Community = 126542 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
The City of Timmins Ontario 41788 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 5% for community, 10% for corporate Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline year: 2017corporate % reduction: 10%community % reduction: 5%target year: 2027 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2017 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Never
The Corporation of the City of Barrie Ontario 150000 EN Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_xmB3yCBFithNt8R Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = COB Milestone 6 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 1677216 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/zip and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 45% below baseline by 2030 for the community. Not yet specified for the corporate target. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_3nC8O5B0Oi9Vskp If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = Inspiring-Climate-Action-in-Barrie-Part-1.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 1451733 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
The Corporation of the City of Windsor Ontario 229600 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_2WTFWF4a4GKIBrb Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Windsor CCAP Draft Report March 6 2017.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2170973 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_2rDhiuydJX8GW5u Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = Windsor Community Energy Plan -FINAL - July 17-2017.pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 7829911 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction in emissions from 2014 baseline by 2041 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = City Council has accepted in principle Science Based Targets in 2022.55% reduction in corporate emissions by 2030 from 2005 levels (scope 1 and scope 2)Net-Zer by 2050 (scope 1 and scope2) Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction of 2014 levels by 2041 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = City Council Approved in Principle Science Based Targets in 202268% reduction in community emissions by 2030 from 2005 levels (scope 1 and scope 2)Net-Zero by 2050 (scope 1 and scope 2) Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = No Sector target Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Fleet - Text = No Sector target Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting - Text = No Sector target Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Waste - Text = No Sector target Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = No Sector target Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Waste = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Water and wastewater Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = No Sector target Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = No Sector target Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy and electricity - Text = No Sector target Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = No Sector target Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = No Sector target Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = No Sector target Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Unsure Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation = Unsure Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Energy and electricity = Unsure Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste = Unsure Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use = Unsure Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use = Unsure Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 44,104 tCO2e/yr What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2,551,303 tCO2e/yr From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Emissions increased From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Target emissions reductions reached If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 18 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 36016 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = 42 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Community = 1487346 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_32ISjdXroyBuCAT If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = 2021 PCP export - Corporate.xlsx If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 54984 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward Ontario 25704 EN Another Plan
The County of Haliburton Ontario 21000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 15% reduction from 2018 by 2030 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 25% reduction from 2019 levels by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure and/or (2) provide the URL link =
The Township of Georgian Bluffs Ontario 11000 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_1CdXEnDQQcZE2Xf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Corporate Climate Action Plan Draft Accessible.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 1900284 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2018 levels by 2050 or sooner. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Noting that the plan is in draft at this time, 2018 baseline, 40% reduction by 2030 and 70% reduction by 2040 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Noting this is an Upper Tier plan we are party to: 2018 baseline, 30% by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Water and Wastewater Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Not yet started Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Our GHG inventory is in development. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 22 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 729 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years
Tiny Township Ontario 12000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 Baseline for the 2018 plan From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Town of Ajax Ontario 130000 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 40% GHG emission reductions by 2030, below 2019 levels Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 30% GHG emission reductions by 2030, below 2019 levels Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Water, Air Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Unsure Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2005 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 23 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 5429 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years
Town of Altona Manitoba 4390 EN Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_0BMyuXxq7WGu3y9 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Town of Altona Climate Change Local Action Plan (compressed).pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 5333083 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. the Town of Altona commits to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 20% below 2015 levels for municipal operations within 10 years and to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 6% below the 2015 levels in the community within 10 years Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = the Town of Altona commits to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 20% below 2015 levels for municipal operations within 10 years and to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 6% below the 2015 levels in the community within 10 years Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We do not have a combined GHG inventory.
Town of Amherstburg Ontario 23000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Town of Bauline Newfoundland and Labrador 450 EN Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_3HplkwiZyX44zHq Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Climate Action Plan Bauline_IFR_MAY.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 1074952 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 15-25% below 2016 levels by 202330-40% below 2016 levels by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Never
Town of Blackfalds Alberta 12000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Town of Bridgewater Nova Scotia 9000 EN Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_3IRH15HsH6Bxgf5 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Bridgewater Community Energy Investment Plan 2018 - Full.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 13265509 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2011 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_2CNxrmoFcCkniDs If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = Bridgewater 2011.xlsx If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 10372 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Town of Collingwood Ontario 24000 EN Corporate Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Corporate GHG reduction by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = 20% below 2019 levels in 10 years and 80% reduction in 20 years Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Fleet - Text = 20% reduction by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. - Waste - Text = 20% reduction by 2030 Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = We have completed our corporate GHG inventory. How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annually
Town of Devon Alberta 6500 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Waste Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = We do not update regularly How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = We do not update regularly What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Unsure From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Never For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = 6+ years and/or (2) provide the URL link =
Town of East Gwillimbury Ontario 36000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Our GHG inventory is in development. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Our GHG inventory is in development.
Town of Grand Bay-westfield New Brunswick 5680 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_1QlwYfhJ9cKaQca Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = UMNB-CCEI_Com_IAP_GBW_V2.1 updated Sept 25.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2938293 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_PBPaCa4A4KBeGnD Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = UMNB-CCEI_Corp_IAP_GBW_(V2.1) updated Sept25.pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 1772287 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 9% reduction from 2015 levels Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 2015, 9% Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 14% from 2015 levels by 2035 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = interim 7% reduction from 2015 levels by 2025 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Upon the completion of a new climate action plan How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Upon the completion of a new climate action plan What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 50%-74% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 0.7 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 28 tonnes For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = 6+ years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_1jkbqKnkb4BRKTb If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = UMNB-CCEI_GBW_AnnexB_inv_corp_2015.xls If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 970752 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/x-cfb
Town of Huntsville Ontario 21000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): declared a climate emergency Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Net-zero by 2050 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Our GHG inventory is in development. If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate =
Town of Innisfail Alberta 8000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Our GHG inventory is in development. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Our GHG inventory is in development.
Town of Innisfil Ontario 37500 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): Currently developing corporate emissions reduction targets which are expected to be ratified by year end Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development, (please specify if possible): Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one.
Town of Kentville Nova Scotia 6700 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = We do not update regularly How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = We do not update regularly What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2255 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory). = 109968 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Unsure From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_2dEZ52lshhJnSEJ Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = Kentville Corporate GHG Calculation Tool v2.xls Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 297984 Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/x-cfb
Town of Mahone Bay Nova Scotia 1036 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_10pdXbxMZ5uiLCC Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = GHG_Action_Plan.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 10373031 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline year: 2010, 45% reduction by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = They are listed as separate items, residential is 100% reduction in emissions by 2050 (from 3,948 tonnes CO2e to 9), commercial is 98% reduction in emissions by 2050 from 6642 tonnes CO2e to 155 and industrial is 100% reduction in emissions by 2050, from 82 tonnes CO2e to 0. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = 72 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 33 reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = 100 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = 100 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 to 0 Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Our combined GHG inventory is in development.
Town of Midland Ontario 17000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 baseline for the 2018 plan From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Town of Minto Ontario 9800 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Our GHG inventory is in development. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory but have plans to create one.
Town of Morris Manitoba 2000 EN No Plan
Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands Ontario 2700 EN Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_2eXORSE6YcFOyiG Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = 2023 2028 NEMI Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Renewal.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 1100868 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): 0.08__. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Our combined GHG inventory is in development.
Town of Okotoks Alberta 32000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_DovLWRIxzLlpRQJ Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Okotoks_Climate Action Plan Report_2021-03-23_FINAL.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 16968847 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 30% reduction by 2030 (compared to 2018 baseline year) Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = 100% of new construction to a green standard by 2033. 20% of new construction to a zero carbon energy levels of performance by 2033 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = same as government buildings Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = increase percentage of trips made using transit or active transport by 25% by 2030, and reduce distance driven by residents by 25% by 2033 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = divert 95% of waste from landfill by 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = use 100% renewable energy at corporate facilities by 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Ecosystems and local food, health and wellness, water conservation, and corporate leadership Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting = Target(s) reached Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = Target(s) reached Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text = water & wastewater Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Annually What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = reduced 14.6% since 2018 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = reduced 59,241 tonnes since 2018 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_tE7l2u0Qdk0OrwB If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = Greenhouse Gas Emissions_2022 Council Report.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 161975 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
Town of Penetanguishene Ontario 9000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 baseline for the 2018 project From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Town of Qualicum Beach British Columbia 9000 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, at least 80% reduction from 2008 levels by 2050 or sooner. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 33% by 2020 ~ 34,061 tonnes C02(e)50% by 2030 ~ 25,418.5 tonnes C02(e)65% by 2040 ~ 17,793 tonnes C02(e) Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2007 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = 2.4 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = 1313 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type =
Town of Quispamsis New Brunswick 19000 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_28OMxdTQSpTXUqZ Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = UMNB-CCEI_Corp_IAP_Quispamsis (2018-06).pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 1924953 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_xg5OZmM7qX8yvcd Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = UMNB-CCEI_Com_IAP_Quispamsis (2018-07).pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 3011751 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. by 12% by 2025 compared to 2015 baseline level Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = As per previous question, target to reduce by 12% by 2025 from 2015 baseline. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. target to reduce by 8% by 2025 and 16% by 2035 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = as per previous answer Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Utility - Water & Sewerage Systems Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = On track to reach target(s) Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Every 4-5 years How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Unsure From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_r2eESGzLBEM0hep If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = Final Benchmark Report 2021- Quispamsis.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 2056825 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/pdf
Town of Saint Andrews New Brunswick 3000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_DohGCQIxNRI2UbD Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Combined Saint Andrews Community and Municipal GHG and Energy Plans.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 7166685 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 30% reduction of GHG emissions and energy reduction by 2034 based on 2020 numbers and net zero achieved before 2025. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 30% GHG reduction and energy reduction by 2034 based on 2020 numbers and net zero before 2050. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = 30% reduction by 2034 net zero before 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = full replacement of fleet before 2050 with hybrid or electric vehicles Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 30% reduction by 2034 and net zero before 2050 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = 30% reduction by 2034 and net zero before 2050 Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 4-5 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2020 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = 0.05 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = 12.5 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_1cUl6nAql7OkBgd If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = SA_GHGInventory2020.xlsx If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 98750 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Town of Sidney British Columbia 12318 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_2ZUnT6pDr3kqqJ5 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = CAP_2022_FINAL_reduced.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 6072454 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = baseline year: 2007% reduction: 50%target year: 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Natural environment, infrastructure Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory.
Town of Sylvan Lake Alberta 14816 EN Community Plan Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_2c12zkTXfa9diPH Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = Doc_636628397785363188.pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 2413175 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Community plan targets = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Energy and electricity,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Storm Runoff Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = On track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments community GHG inventory. = We do not have a community GHG inventory.
Town of The Blue Mountains Ontario 9390 EN Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_p5bIZfSLKVBzLzP Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = 20221003_TBM_ICSP_Online.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 4614760 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. Net zero by 2050 corporate target; as a lower-tier municipality supports Grey Countys community-wide net zero by 2050 target Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year 2005, 40% reduction by 2025 (corporate)Grey County has established several interim community GHG targets comparing to a 2018 baseline year Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2005 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Town of Wasaga Beach Ontario 25000 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Township of Brock Ontario 12567 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_XFhDBiwZ37lu5vH Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = North Durham Integrated Climate SPlan - 2010.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 3080446 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. Separate targets with Community at 86% by 2060 and Corporate of 96% by 2060 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Community reduction targets from baseline year of 2005 of 10% by 2015; 34% by 2030; and 86% by 2060 Municipal corporate reduction targets from baseline year of 2008 of 28% by 2015; 65% by 2030; and 96% by 2060 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = 30% by 2015; 75% by 203; and 100% by 2060 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = Residential targets 20% by 2015; 50% by 2030; 100% by 2060 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = 10% by 2015; 40% by 2030; 75% by 2060 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 40% by 2015; 70% by 203; 100% by 2060 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = ICI targets of 20% by 2025; 70% by 2030; 100% by 2060 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = 5% by 2015; 100% by 2030; carbon sink of -25% by 2060 Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = On track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2008 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure
Township of Esquimalt British Columbia 18000 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 38% reduction in GHG emissions below 2007 levels by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = 22.5 % of new homes built with low carbon heating each year Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = 5.5% of vehicle km travelled shift to pedestrian, cycling and transit by 2030/ 4% of commercial vehicles are electric by 2030/ 60% of passenger vehicles are electric by 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 7.5% reduction in organics going to landfill by 2025 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Building Retrofits: 3% of buildings undergoing 33% energy reduction retrofits each year / 2% of buildings converted to electric heat pump each year Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = Not on track to reach target(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = Not on track to reach target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We do not have a combined GHG inventory.
Township of Georgian Bay Ontario 2500 EN Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We are currently updating our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Every 2-3 years What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 baseline for the 2018 plan From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure
Township of King Ontario 27333 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_2OIP8PVKCNmqVnZ Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = 2019-2023 King Township Corporate Energy Management and Conservation Plan (002).pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2362145 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 2012 % reduction: 45% reduction by 2030. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline year: 2018. % reduction: 35% Target year: 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Upon the completion of a new climate action plan What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2012 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Emissions increased From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Unsure If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = We have increased corporate emissions by 78.924 Tonnes, this comparison includes any new growth in buildings and fleet in 2022 from the baseline year of 2012 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Every 4-5 years
Township of Rideau Lakes Ontario 10883 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Township of Selwyn Ontario 18600 EN Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 40% reduction from 2011 baseline by 2031 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 39% reduction from 2011 baseline by 2031 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Water & Sewage Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Target(s) exceeded Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Health impacts and climate awareness Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Not on track to meet target(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We are currently updating our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = We do not update regularly How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = We do not update regularly What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2011 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2011 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Target emissions reductions reached From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Emissions increased If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = Achieved 53% decrease in corporate emissions between 2011 and 2019 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = Community emissions increased 4% between 2011 & 2018 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Every 2-3 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure and/or (2) provide the URL link =
Village of Caroline Alberta 500 EN No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): 70 acre Solar Farm Site Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = In development (please specify, if possible): Solar Farm 70 acre development Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We do not have a GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We do not have a GHG inventory.
Village of McAdam New Brunswick 1200 EN Corporate Plan
West Hants Regional Municipality Nova Scotia 19500 EN Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_3PMMnP9THfaNBmy Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = WHRM GHG Action Plan.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 2580198 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Yes, other (please specify): _______. 45% reduction from 2018/19 corporate inventory and 45% reduction from 2016 community inventory level by 2030 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = No, not at this moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation ,Waste,Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting,Industrial processes and product use,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Municipal staff business travel Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text = Difficult to provide an estimate, work to implement action items is just beginning Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = We have completed our combined GHG inventory. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = We do not update regularly What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = Corporate: 2018/19; Community: 2016 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Ongoing basis (monthly or more frequently) If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_1hLotmZDHkUqb07 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = WHRM GHG Inventory.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 813941 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
York Region Ontario 1239500 EN Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_3rP3EAkNgSgFxdS Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = 2019EnergyConservationandDemandManagementPlan.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 11241206 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_1I6tED4fXlbkxZR Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = ClimateChangeActionPlanSept2022 (10).pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 3719473 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Baseline = 2014, Max 4% increase by 2025, 16% reduction by 2030, 60% reduction by 2051 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Yes, net-zero by 2050. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = In development (please specify, if possible): _______ Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities),Fleet,Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting,Waste,Other, please specify: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Transit Fleet, Water and wastewater Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Target(s) exceeded Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Transit Fleet: Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial),Transportation,Energy and electricity,Waste,Agriculture, forestry, and other land use,Other, please specify: Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = We have completed our GHG inventory. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = We have completed our GHG inventory. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Annually How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Annually What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2014 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1%-24% of target emission reductions achieved From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Emissions increased If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 8 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 6450 tonnes of CO2e reduced from 2014 baseline If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = 2.9 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Community = 200000 tonnes of CO2e increase from 2020 to 2021 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Quarterly For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annually For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Every 4-5 years For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Unsure and/or (2) provide the URL link =
Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell Ontario 96000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Conseil municipal de Saint-Hippolyte Québec 11000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Laval Québec 445000 FR Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduciton de 33% sous le niveau 1990 dici 2035 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Tous les ans What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 1990 (données disponibles dans linventaire de 2005) From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1 à 24?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = 2 000 000 tCO2e (2019) If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = réduction de 7% par rapport à 1990 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans
MRC de La Côte-de-Beaupré Québec 28000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Notre inventaire des GES est en cours délaboration. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
MRC de La Côte-de-Gaspé Québec 17429 FR Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. 12% en 2030 par rapport à 2018 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. 6% dici 2030 par rapport à 2018 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets,Autre, veuillez préciser?: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = pistes cyclables Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Pas en voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text = pas de suivi effectué Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Énergie et électricité,Déchets Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières. What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Je ne sais pas From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais and/or (2) provide the URL link =
MRC de La Haute-Yamaska Québec 94000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un.
MRC de LÉrable Québec 24000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
MRC de Mékinac Québec 12000 FR Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_12gN0Mx3Z06Kmk1 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = CCG_PACC_Vcourte_MRC Mékinac VF.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 521374 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Autre, veuillez préciser: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = à venir Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text = à venir Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Notre inventaire des GES est en cours délaboration.
MRC de Papineau Québec 24000 FR Corporate Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_3oZSSCU0jFgGdMA Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = (copie) CM_2019_06_128_PT_12.3.1.1.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 227924 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Déchets,Utilisation des terres Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = Nous navons pas dinventaire municipal des GES.
MRC de Roussillon Québec 180000 FR No Plan
MRC de Rouville Québec 38000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
MRC des Laurentides Québec 51143 FR Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_1hSFpkkwOul5EyN Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = PACCLaurentides_MRLAU_Prelim_20230714.docx Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 1614424 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
MRC Marguerite-DYouville Québec 82000 FR Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_1eKRBLb8zmz6pl8 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Plan daction_MRC Marguerite dYouville - rev1.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 781519 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduction de 15 % par rapport au niveau de 2019 dici 2030 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Autre, veuillez préciser: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = eaux usées Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Tous les 6?ans ou plus? What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2009 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Les émissions ont augmenté For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Trimestriellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_210U7ffmLNlm8uM If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = Inventaire GES_MRC MDY 2019_v-f - rev1.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 12961702 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
Municipalité de Pointe-des-Cascades Québec 1800 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Municipalité de Saint-Anicet Québec 2781 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Municipalité des Îles-de-la-Madeleine Québec 12000 FR Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduire de 15% dici 2025
Municipalité Saint-Adolphe-dHoward Québec 3860 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Village de Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac Québec 1382 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Ville de Beloeil Québec 25000 FR Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. Réduction de 35% dici 2035 pour le corporatif. Réduction de 22% dici 2030 et 51% dici 2040 pour le communautaire. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Réduction de 35% dici 2035 pour le corporatif. Réduction de 22% dici 2030 et 51% dici 2040 pour la collectivité.
Ville de Boucherville Québec 42551 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Réduction de 45% des émissions par rapport à 2019, dici 2030Ceci est en lien avec notre adhésion au programme PPC et Maires pour le climat. Bien que notre plan de réduction de GES ne soit pas encore adopté par le Conseil, ceci est notre objectif. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050 ou avant. Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Oui, veuillez préciser en utilisant le formule suivant (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050). Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Réduction de 45% des émissions par rapport à 2019, dici 2030. Encore une fois à cause de PPC et Maire pour le climat, mais cet objectif nest pas encore officialisé à laide dun plan de réduction adopté par le Conseil. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Tous les 6?ans ou plus How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Tous les 6?ans ou plus What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2009 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory). = 2009
Ville de Candiac Québec 23000 FR Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_3QL99TWMh68MaXI Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = Candiac_Plan action reduction emission GES 2022-2030_VF.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 2692493 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Id = F_3GlwMsfAmvHwThL Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Name = Candiac_Plan adaptation changements climatiques 2022-2030_VF.pdf Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Size = 1672574 Please either (1) upload your community climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduire de 40% dici 2030 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. 40% dici 2030 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Autre, veuillez préciser?: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = adaptation et mobilité Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Énergie et électricité,Déchets Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Tous les 2 à 3?ans How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Tous les 2 à 3?ans What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 25 à 49?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = 25 à 49?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_3kcEg7pCaNuHj2R If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = Candiac_Plan action reduction emission GES 2022-2030_VF.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 2692493 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/pdf and/or (2) provide the URL link =
Ville de Chambly Québec 31450 FR Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_1HbFLegFA8dPJKH Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = PLAN-ACTION_FINAL-jan2014_approuveMDDEFP.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 3305578 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Après la mise jour du bilan 2012 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text = Après la mise jour du bilan 2012 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Après la mise jour du bilan 2012 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text = Après la mise jour du bilan 2012 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = 20% diminution Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Fleet - Text = 0.8 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting - Text = éclairage au LED un peu à chaque année Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Transport,Déchets,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = traitement eau Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use = Je ne sais pas Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières. What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2010 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2010 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Je ne sais pas From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_s7hy8oJpsHshY9b If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = Inventaire_GES_oct.2012.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 4611339 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/pdf
Ville de Châteauguay Québec 51000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Ville de Cowansville Québec 16000 FR Another Plan Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Transport,Déchets Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières. What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2009 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Je ne sais pas. For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas
Ville de Gatineau Québec 291000 FR Combined Integrated or Joint Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = 2030: réduction de 35% pour la communauté par rapport à 2015 , et 50% pour lorganisation municipale Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres,Autre, veuillez préciser: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = infrastructures municipales (égouts, aqueducs) , ainsi que léconomie locale Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify - Text = Infrastructures bâties Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Tous les ans What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2015 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Je ne sais pas. For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Trimestriellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Trimestriellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_1ocesK0hREV7u8H If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = Collectif_2015_final_Juillet2020_.xlsx If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 1057114 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Ville de Granby Québec 70823 FR Corporate and Community Plan Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Id = F_2aJ0rxuBR5r52Mp Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Name = 2012 Plan réduction GES 2013-2017 - Copie.pdf Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Size = 1321814 Please either (1) upload your corporate climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Sera défini à lautomne 2023 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text = Sera défini en automne 2023 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Sera défini à lautomne 2023 Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text = Sera défini à lautomne 2023 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets,Autre, veuillez préciser?: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = agricole, traitement de leau, gaz réfrigérant Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Objectif(s) dépassé(s) Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Autre, veuillez préciser: Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = En cours délaboration Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text = En cours délaboration Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Tous les 6?ans ou plus How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Tous les 6?ans ou plus What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2009 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2009 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Les émissions ont augmenté From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Les émissions ont augmenté For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_20MWsDq73fldz7R If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = 2012 Plan réduction GES 2013-2017 - Copie.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 1321814 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/pdf
Ville de LAssomption Québec 23400 FR Corporate Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and where applicable, provide the sector climate action target. = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments corporate GHG inventory. = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire municipal des GES. How often is your corporate GHG emissions inventory updated? = Tous les ans What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2021 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Les émissions ont augmenté For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of climate action plans. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_3G2FAvGoj8vVyhF If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = 2021EmissionsReport (3).xlsx If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 21627 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Ville de Lévis Québec 160000 FR Corporate and Community Plan
Ville de Mascouche Québec 50000 FR Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_RFaJZc2bHHSKwKd Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = 20210119 - Plan daction Mascouche 2019 final.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 91482 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. réduction de 31% dici 2023 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = eaux usées Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Tous les 6?ans ou plus? What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Je ne sais pas. For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_AEFV39hBhsTshH3 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = 20210125 - Inventaire GES_Mascouche 2019 final.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 1416612 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
Ville de Mirabel Québec 64032 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES, mais nous prévoyons den créer un. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Ville de Montréal Québec 2025928 FR Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. Réduction de 55 % par rapport au niveaux 1990 dici 2030 et carboneutralité dici 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Réduction de 55 % sous les niveaux de 1990 dici 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Autre, veuillez préciser: Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = Rendre zéro carbone opérationnel les bâtiments municipaux dici 2030 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = Rendre zéro carbone opérationnel les nouveaux bâtiments de la collectivité dici 2030 et étendre cette mesure à lensemble des bâtiments de la collectivité montréalaise dici 2050 (après la publication du Plan climat, la date cible de 2050 a été devancée à 2040 pour les bâtiments de la collectivité) Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = Une réduction de 25?% de la part de lauto solo & atteindre 47 % de véhicules électriques immatriculés Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = Tendre vers le zéro déchet Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = Une diminution de la consommation de combustibles fossiles de la collectivité montréalaise (essence, diesel, gaz naturel, mazout et propane). Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Planter 500 000 arbres en priorité dans les secteurs vulnérables dici 2030 | Que les superficie daires naturelles atteignent 10 % du territoire | Une Une diminution de la vulnérabilité du territoire aux aléas climatiques | Une diminution de la superficie des îlots de chaleur Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = Pas en voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Other, please specify = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Tous les ans What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 1990 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 25 à 49?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = En 2021, les émissions de GES ont augmenté de 646 kt éq. CO2 par rapport à 2020, mais ont réduit de 4 769 kt éq. CO2 par rapport à 1990 (année de référence) If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = En 2021, les émission de GES ont augmenté de 6,67% par rapport à 2020, mais ont réduit 32 % par rapport à 1990 (année de référence) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)
Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement du Sud-Ouest Québec 84553 FR Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: 2023_. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development (please specify, if possible): _______ - Text = 2023 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières. What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Je ne sais pas. For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Trimestriellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Je ne sais pas
Ville de Mont-Saint-Hilaire Québec 19700 FR Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050. Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Réduction de 45 % des émissions de GES dici 2030, par rapport à lannée de référence 2021 (année de production de notre bilan GES). Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = À la fin dun nouveau plan daction climatique What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2021 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Je ne sais pas. For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment)
Ville de Québec Québec 542000 FR Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Oui, veuillez préciser en utilisant le formule suivant (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = -45% dici 2030 par rapport à 2010 Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Oui, carboneutralité dici 2050 ou avant. Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify using the following format (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = -45% dici 2030 par rapport à 2010 Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Énergie et électricité,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Tous les ans How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Tous les ans What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2002 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 1990 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = 1 à 24?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = 1 à 24?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Trimestriellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement
Ville de Rivière-du-Loup Québec 20176 FR Corporate and Community Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Oui, réduction de 20?% par rapport au niveau de _____ dici _____ . 2008 à 2020, le prochain est en élaboration Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Oui, réduction de 20?% par rapport au niveau de _____ dici _____ . 2008 à 2020, le prochain est en élaboration Has your local government set an official interim community target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Parc de véhicules,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Déchets,Autre, veuillez préciser?: Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = réduction globale de 20% Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Fleet - Text = réduction globale de 20% Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting - Text = réduction globale de 20% Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Waste - Text = réduction globale de 20% Please select all activity sectors included in your corporate climate action plan, and if available, provide the sector climate action target: - Other, please specify: - Text = services reliés à leau, réduction globale de 20% Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Buildings (local government buildings and facilities) = Objectif(s) manqué Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Fleet = Objectif(s) manqué Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Energy, electricity, outdoor lighting = Objectif(s) dépassé(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Waste = Objectif(s) dépassé(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: = Objectif(s) manqué Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each corporate activity sector target: - Other, please specify: - Text = Services deau et eaux usées Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = réduction globale de 20% Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = réduction globale de 20% Please select all activity sectors included in your community climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = réduction globale de 20% Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Objectif(s) dépassé(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Transportation = Objectif(s) manqué Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each community activity sector target: - Waste = Objectif(s) dépassé(s) Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Tous les 2 à 3?ans How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Tous les 2 à 3?ans What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory)? = 2008 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory)? = 2008 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Les objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Les objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Corporate = 23716.8 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Corporate = 81.3 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage â Community = 75223.3 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in corporate and/or community GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) â Community = 36.7 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_2q9sMYg1qG6uHw7 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = F - RDL Corpo Comparatif-2008-2020.xlsx If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 340661 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Ville de Saguenay Québec 146593 FR No Plan
Ville de Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac Québec 20922 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Ville de Saint-Hyacinthe Québec 58000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières. What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2021 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Je ne sais pas Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Id = F_262QpQ59tFrGAx4 Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Name = Inventaire_VSH.pdf Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Size = 141448 Please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above; - Type = application/pdf
Ville de Saint-Lambert Québec 22300 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. 2023-2033 Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Corporate = Tous les 6?ans ou plus How often are your GHG emissions inventories updated? - Community = Tous les 6?ans ou plus What was your local governments corporate baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a corporate GHG emissions inventory). = 2019 What was your local governments community baseline emissions inventory year? (i.e., what was the first year you completed a community GHG emissions inventory). = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Corporate = Je ne sais pas From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your corporate and/or community emissions in relation to your target: - Community = Je ne sais pas and/or (2) provide the URL: = en cours de finalisation, ce nest pas encore public et adopté
Ville de Saint-Sauveur Québec 11000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Nous navons pas dinventaire des GES.
Ville de Salaberry-de-Valleyfield Québec 43000 FR No Plan Does your local government have an official corporate GHG emissions reduction target (corporate target)? = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. À venir Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Has your local government set an official interim corporate target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development, (please specify if possible): - Text = À venir Does your local government have an official community GHG emissions reduction target (community target)? = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. À venir Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = En cours délaboration (veuillez préciser, si possible)?: ______. Does your local government have an official interim community target?By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - In development, (please specify if possible): - Text = À venir Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Corporate = Notre inventaire des GES est en cours délaboration. Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments GHG inventory for corporate and community GHG emissions. - Community = Notre inventaire des GES est en cours délaboration.
Ville de Val-dOr Québec 36000 FR Another Plan and/or (2) provide the URL link: = Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Transport,Déchets Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Nous neffectuons pas de mises à jour régulières. What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2016 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = Je ne sais pas. For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Jamais
Ville de Varennes Québec 21600 FR Combined Integrated or Joint Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_1cRF32pLuCODkrk Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Plan daction_Varennes.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 1003892 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. Réduire de 34% par rapport à 2019 dici 2030 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Non, pas en ce moment. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits,Agriculture, foresterie et autres utilisations des terres Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) - Text = Efficacité énergétique, toits verts, isolation, etc. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) - Text = Efficacité énergétique, toits verts Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Transportation - Text = Électrification, réduire la consommation de carburant, Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Waste - Text = 3RV Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting - Text = Efficacité énergétique, DEL, diminuer léclairage Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Industrial processes and product use - Text = Boucles énergétiques, efficacité énergétique, etc. Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - Text = Augmentation et diversification de la canopée, protection des milieux naturels Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., local government buildings and facilities) = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) = Pas en voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Transportation = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Waste = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Energy, Electricity, Outdoor lighting = Objectif(s) atteint(s) Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Industrial processes and product use = Pas en voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Please indicate the status of progress towards reaching each activity sector target: - Agriculture, forestry, and other land use = En voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifsen voie datteindre lobjectif/les objectifs Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous sommes en train de mettre à jour notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Tous les ans What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2019 From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1 à 24?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total percentage = 29 000 tco2eq depuis 2019 If available, please use the textbox to provide the change in your combined GHG emissions over a specified time period in tonnes and in percentage reduced in relation to the baseline year (e.g., we have reduced x tonnes of GHG emissions since 2020 and we have reduced our emissions by x % from the baseline year of x): - Total amount (tonnes) = 0.06 For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Régulièrement (tous les mois ou plus fréquemment) For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Trimestriellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Trimestriellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 2 à 3?ans If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_AmVBkXHr9Jkrq6t If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = Inventaire GES_Varennes 2019_v-f sig.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 12402598 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf
Ville de Victoriaville Québec 49000 FR Another Plan Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Id = F_1q2trW46wfnhnlo Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Name = Plan GES-Victoriaville_Rapport complet.pdf Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Size = 6124573 Please upload your integrated/combined/joint climate action plan: - Type = application/pdf Does your local government have an official combined GHG emissions reduction target (combined target)? = Oui, autre (veuillez préciser)?: ______. corporatif 27 % dici 2035 et collectivité 47 % dici 2040 Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: = Oui, veuillez préciser votre/vos objectif(s) (e.g., année de réference: 2010, % réduction: 80%, année cible: 2050). Has your local government set an official interim combined target? By interim, we mean a milestone towards achieving target emissions, such as a 50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.Please select the option that applies and provide details, if possible: - Yes, please specify your target(s) (e.g., baseline year: 2010, % reduction: 80%, target year: 2050). - Text = Collectivité 25 % dici 2030 et 47 % dici 2040 année de référence 2028 Please select all activity sectors included in your combined climate action plan, and if available, provide the climate action target: = Bâtiments (c.-à-d. installations et immeubles municipaux),Bâtiments (résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels),Transport,Déchets,Énergie, électricité, éclairage extérieur,Procédés industriels et utilisation des produits Select the option below that best represents the state of your local governments combined GHG inventory. = Nous avons terminé notre inventaire des GES. How often is your GHG emissions inventory updated? = Tous les 6?ans ou plus? What was your local governments baseline emissions inventory year (i.e., what was the first year you completed a GHG emissions inventory)? = 2018, cest notre 2e inventaire, le premier inventaire était trop vieux et on ne pouvait comparer les chiffres (2008 je crois) From your local governments baseline emissions inventory year to the most recent inventory year, please select the following option that best characterizes the trend in your emissions in relation to your target: = 1 à 24?% des objectifs de réduction des émissions sont atteints For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors implementation of the climate action plan. = Trimestriellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Monitors progress made on partnersâ climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on progress made on climate targets/goals. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reports to council on the progress of climate action programs, pilots, or projects. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Publishes public reports or updates on climate action progress. = Annuellement For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews targets/goals in the climate action plan. = Tous les 4 à 5?ans For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Updates the climate action plan. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the systems used to monitor progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus For each of the following statements, please rate how frequently your local government engages in the following monitoring and reporting activities. - Reviews and when necessary, updates the tools used to measure progress on climate action targets/goals. = Tous les 6?ans ou plus If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Id = F_UGYeH3zZViouAg1 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Name = Plan GES-Victoriaville_Rapport complet.pdf If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Size = 6124573 If possible, please either (1) upload a copy of your local governments most recent GHG emissions inventory/the inventory you consulted to respond to the questions above: - Type = application/pdf